Chapter II: Hidden in the Stars

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Pietro's POV

Svetlana, Wanda, and I were talking amongst ourselves on our way to breakfast. For someone who looks so serious, she is actually sweet and funny.

"Sorokina," a voice bellowed. Her laughter died and her face paled momentarily before it went solemn. We looked up to see Baron Von Strucker. "Yes, Herr Strucker?" She asked.

"Come here, now!" He demanded and she scurried towards him instantly.

"You two, go to the cafeteria!" He yelled at us and then Svetlana and Strucker entered a room. Wanda and I gulped and followed his order.

I felt a pang of guilt. Was she in trouble? The idea of her being punished because of us made my heart drop. I don't know why I was so worried about Svetlana. She is just another soldier that I'll forget after the project.

We arrived to the cafeteria. It was like a stereotypical high school one -- you get in line, grab a tray, ask the cafeteria lady for what you want, say please and thank you, and feign enjoyment.

The food wasn't extraordinary. It mainly consisted of yogurt, fruits, and granola bars. Wanda and I sat in an empty table and ate our food alone until a man sat by me.

"Don't eat too much or too little, kids. You don't want to puke or pass out during the project," said the man. "Who are you?" I asked immediately.

"They call me Leo," Leo said, "What's yours?"


I should get a name-tag.

"Pietro, look. It's Svetlana," Wanda said. I looked up to see Svetlana. She walked behind soldiers with her head down. They went into another room. I didn't know what rooms they were, the only thing they told us was to not enter. The tour wasn't very helpful now that I think about it.

"That girl is tough as a nail," Leo commented. I turned to him in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Leo looked around for any nearby soldiers and leaned in discreetly.

"Rumors say she was experimented on and got powers. Now, they are trying to make her lose her "humanity" so they brainwash her. Plus, she has become a bit nutty. They can't have a crazy Captain America."

"Captain America?"

"Don't you know who Captain America is? Steve Rogers, the super soldier from WWII. Currently, part of the Avengers with Tony Stark --"

The name triggered a wave of unpleasant emotions.

"...Thor, who's a Norse God with a hammer --"

"Wait, Norse God? Like Loki?" Wanda asked.

"I think they might be brothers, don't know much about Scandinavian Mythology," Leo replied, "Anyway, they are trying to make super soldiers using the scepter."

I was overwhelmed with the newly-gained information. Svetlana? Captain America? Super soldiers? Avengers? Norse Gods? Unfortunately, we had to end our conversation because the project will begin in an hour. I'm surprised by all the knowledge Leo knows about this project. It's almost suspicious. I'll have to talk to Leo afterwards.

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