Chapter V: In the Darkest Hour

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Svetlana's POV

With that, I vanished. I teleported to my room and stripped off my uniform, but kept my suit. My suit was personally customized for me due to my gifts. It helps greatly with control. Plus, it makes the dry summers and bitter winter less sufferable.

Besides, Strucker doesn't care as long as the job is done.

Once again, I pop in to the conference room where Strucker was waiting for me. "Ah, wonderful, five minutes early. There's no time to waste. You know my expectations. Here is your utility belt, and earpiece. Keeps us informed. I know you can do it, but you can never be too sure."

I adjusted my utility belt on me meticulously. It held knives, grenades, pistols, and needles. Unfortunately, my gifts weren't meant for offense, so I heavily rely on my utility belt and combat skills.

The earpiece was for communication. I had to update on the situation.


I shook my head. They showed me an image of the straying agents' location. I immediately teleported there.

I arrived and snapped the closest agent's neck. One of them began shooting at me, but I was gone. I appeared behind the shooting agent and shot them with my pistol.

"Nice try," I thought.

A bullet nicked my shoulder, which averted my attention to agent #3. Then, I threw a knife straight at agent #3. It pierced the agent's stomach.

Unsatisfying for me, I teleported in front of agent #3 and finished the job. I briefly inspected the dead agent's uniform. They were from the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Not yet."

I teleported to high grounds. I must not let anyone escape. We cannot have any information divulged.

"How many are left?"


I looked for the last individual. I heard shuffling behind me. I turned and saw agent #4 aiming at me point-blank range. I smirked and disappeared in his eyes, leaving him in bewilderment.

Luckily, S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't know me or was even aware of my existence yet. Now was my turn to aim at him at point-blank range. I pulled the trigger and watched the lifeless body hit the ground.

"You'd think they'd learn the first time," I mumbled.

I looked for the scratch on my shoulder, but it healed. The perks of having gifts from the scepter

"Thank you, scepter," I thought.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Yes, it is."

"Great, now you have to do your part."

I returned to HYDRA and watched as they muster a small group to complete finish the last step. The last step was simply collecting, inspecting, and burning the corpses. HYDRA has to assure nothing was out of place because they don't want to attract attention from civilians, and much less from the authority.

"They were S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," I said before I left.

I decided I will clean up and visit the Maximoffs, but Strucker walked up to me first.

"Svetlana, I will need to ask you a favor. The twins are waking up, which means they will commence training very soon. I would like you to help them. We need them to be trained and tamed as fast as possible. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been hot on HYDRA's heels. Would you be willing to be their guidance?"

"Do I really have a choice?" I thought. I'm glad Strucker was not a telepath.

"Yes, I will help the twins."

Strucker gave a toothy smile. "Excellent, when the twins are both prepared, we will set up the training area."

With that, he left to his office. I sighed and continued my trip to see Pietro. I opened the door to reveal Pietro was laying on the bed.

"Hey," I greeted, "How do you feel?"

"I could've been worse. I don't feel like puking anymore."

I noticed he was strap down, which made me frown.

"Why are you strap down?" I asked.

"So I can be under control. By the way, can you loosen them? They're really tight."

I questioned the idea of binding him to the bed, but they know best.

Note the sarcasm.

"Oh sure thing. Where?"

"The one around my wrists and torso."

"How do I know you won't strangle me to escape?"

"I wouldn't hurt a pretty flower like you."

I felt heat creeping upon my face, but tried to ignore. I noticed his lips were curling into smirk, but I focus on loosening the strap on his wrist. I noticed there was a burn on his wrist.

"Flattery will get you nowhere."

I hover over him to loosen the torso strap. Once I finished, I notice something particularly different about him: his hair.

"Can I touch your hair?"

Pietro raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you take me to dinner first?"

I rolled my eyes and mentally face-palmed. "I should've seen this coming," I muttered.

In spite of my attempt, he responded, "You should have."

"Your hair looks different," I clarify, "I want to make sure you're not losing hair or something."

"How so?"

"Your hair has silver streaks in it."

I tousled his hair. I noticed how matted and greasy it is. "Oh dear, you must be bathed."

"Oh? Is that so?"

"Don't worry, I'll request Max to wash you."

"I'd rather have you do so."

"I didn't think a side effect of the scepter was becoming a hormonal teenage boy."

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