Thinking Of You: Chapter 3.5

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Pre-chapter Warning:

This chapter might contain mild lemons (mature scenes), some of which are implied and some of which are stated, though none of them would be too detailed. If you don't feel like reading things as such, you are free to skip this part of the story since it wouldn't affect your reading experience as a whole. Thank you. ^^ And please enjoy~!

Thinking of You Chapter 3.5

(A Kuroshitsuji Fic)

-Adult!Ciel x Reader x Sebastian

'"Cause when I'm with him

I am thinking of you

Thinking of you

What you would do if

You were the one

Who was spending the night

Oh I wish that I

Was looking into..."

Here she is, in front of the aisle. A priest about to bless and bind her to her childhood friend. She looked up, refreshed- with no signs of a major breakdown from before, her make-up retouched by none other than the man who made her cry in the first place.

The man who might probably be sharing her tears with her right now- not of happiness but of regret and sorrow.

"Will you take the Princess of France, Alice Bluebellhein, as your lovely wedded wife: In sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer, 'till death do you part?" the priest started and Alice felt her heart stop on the spot.

Ciel gave her a breath-taking smile that would've been effective if it was Sebastian doing it,

"I do, Father." he was looking into her eyes, drowning her in his lovely depths of deep blue- she wanted to try to fall... For him at least... Just to repay him for the kindness he showed her- just to let him feel how grateful she was that he befriended her...

But that isn't love, right? That's nothing more but gratitude...

She was vaguely aware of the priest turning the question on her and she was staring straight into a tree she thought she saw move.

"Ehem, Princess Bluebellhein? You seem preoccupied?" the priest turned to her with a suspicious glimmer in his bespectacled beetle-eyes, Ciel was currently inspecting the tree she was looking at earlier.

'Sebastian.' she thought and tried to snatch Ciel's attention by grasping his hand in her smaller gloved ones.

Ciel looked taken aback as pink started to dust his cheeks,

"Yes?" he looked at her with worry clearly expressed in his ever so stoic face.

She tried to avoid gulping since ladies aren't supposed to do so- she dropped her gaze down, partly to try and steel herself enough to say a proper 'I do.' without stuttering or breaking down; the other part, hoping for Sebastian to come out of the tree any moment now and go against the marriage with a gloved hand raised and eyes fixed on no one else but her- crimson-eyes...

'I object' he would say, voice steady and his posture straight and defiant as he stands tall.

Think of crimson-eyes...

He will never come.

She will marry him. As she was supposed to...

She looked up, tried to picture Sebastian in Ciel's place- failed helplessly and managed a shaky...

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