Thinking of You: The Noble's Light- Chapter 2

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Thinking of You: The Noble's Light- Chapter 2
by LadyAlicerius21, 4 hours, 48 minutes ago
Literature / Prose / Fiction / Romance / Teen / Introductions & Chapters
Thinking of You: The Noble's Light Chapter 2
-Adult!Ciel x Reader


He turned to the boy and his deep ruby eyes delved deep into his soul as they always did.

The white haired boy stood up straight, posture perfect, like the noble he is- try as he might, Ciel could not eradicate the fact that Heliotrope strongly reminds him of his former butler.

"Daisy had let a frog in through the window and into the ballroom. The mentor was terrified, father." the young boy answered truthfully, a spark of amusement in his otherwise stoic eyes.

"Did not~!" said girl pouted and crossed her arms defensively over her chest.

"Then would you care to explain what you did and why Miss Maria was running out of the front door earlier screaming 'Bloody Murder'?" Ciel rose an inquisitive brow and sat the little girl on his lap, patting the grass beside him for the younger boy to sit in.

"Come sit, Heliotrope." he gave said boy a gentle smile, and the whitenette did as his father said.

The blue-black haired girl instantly fell awkwardly silent and started to fiddle with her thumbs.

"You know, humans fidget whenever they are known to be guilty of an accusation." the young boy commented from beside his father, the older Earl gave him an approving smile.

"That is indeed a fact, Heliotrope. I am glad you, unlike someone nearby, aren't ignoring your studies and frightening your teachers senseless- by, might I say, the use of amphibians." Ciel added, then turned back to his daughter,

"Isn't it right, Daisy?" he turned back and gave his daughter an innocuous little smile.

After a few seconds of restraining herself, Daisy blurted out,

"Okay, okay I did it! Neh, why must daddy and older brother have to pick on me always?" she simply couldn't lie as well as her mother used to when himself and said woman were still mere children,

"Besides, why are you talking as if you're not human, Heliotrope?" her Prussian eyes narrowed at her brother.

"You see...."

'I am simply one hell of a butler....' The catchphrase he expected made him feel weird and equally as sad as well, but fortunately, it never came.

"I am simply human enough to pay attention to significant details." The boy in question snickered triumphantly.

"Touche." Ciel commented and mussed the boy's snow white locks. He never knew when but he started to feel as if the boy was actually his own, the moment he first held him in his arms up until he grew like the fine little gentleman he is right now, because actually, he reminds him of his very self when he was his age, seven.

"Mummy~! Big brother and daddy are teasing me!!!" Daisy puffed her cheeks out and summoned her mother as if her saving grace.

Alice turned around, seeing her laughing bunch under the shade of the tree. They looked so happy and serene and her gaze traveled and stayed on the bluenette earl for quite some time. He was chuckling and holding their children lovingly in his arms, Daisy was pouting and Heliotrope had a smug look on his noble features.

Seems like his father spoiled him with yet another approving remark. The thought made her heart lighten up by an inch and the scenario made her feel as if her cold heart suddenly became cotton. She allowed herself a giggle as she made her way towards them.

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