Thinking Of You: Chapter 4 (Final)

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Thinking of You Chapter 4

(A Kuroshitsuji Fic)

-Adult!Ciel x Reader x Sebastian

"You're the best

And yes I do regret

How I could let myself

Let you go

Now, now the lesson's learned

I touched it I was burned

Oh I think you should know.."

He never saw any purpose in remaining as Ciel's butler anymore- his soul was already invalid. The very moment his master married the woman he had let go- he couldn't just eat his soul and leave her alone for the rest of her life, he couldn't rob his cherished lover of the normal life she deserved. The life he had let her have.

The life he would never be able to give her.

And so he left. Without a trace- not even a single note. Into the darkness of the night. Everything about him dreary and wretched, pitch black and dark... If not for the sparkle of a single tear that flew as he took off- the sole reminder that a demon like him had once loved and was broken- that he had his regrets.

Her happily ever after was destroyed.

What little semblance of a heart he had was extinguished.

The only hope he had for salvation was swept off by a chance wasted and blown off by the wind.

What could have been a sweet fairy tale turned into a tragedy far more worst than Romeo and Juliet- two lovers that were torn apart and left alive to feel the consequences of the chances they wasted, to feel the price of abiding by society and the grief of letting one's love go by the verdict of Fate.


The Phantomhive Manor was a huge mess the moment Ciel and Alice came back to London from their honeymoon in Paris- which went on for almost a whole week.

"What on Earth happened to the Manor?" the Earl tried his best to sound as calm as he can whilst staring at his half-burnt Manor.

Alice looked around and was quite surprised of the state that the Manor was in. 'Sebastian wouldn't ever let things like these happen.' was the first thought that came to her mind.

"Where's Sebastian?" she thought aloud, her eyes scanning what was left of the manor for a pair of familiar crimson-orbs.

All the servants huddled close together and whispered into each other's ears. Bard then nodded and was the one to speak up as Finny looked as if he's about to burst out crying. Mey-rin being the last person reliable to deliver any news clearly and coherently, stood there beside Finny, wearing the same expression he wore.

"Mister Sebastian's...gone." Bard trailed off and fiddled with his flame-thrower.

"Gone?" Ciel repeated incredulously, "How?" he looked quite astonished, turning back to look at his equally stunned wife.

Mey-rin took a step forward,

"H-he j-just dis-disappeared... H-he w-was acting w-weird the night b-before and....n-next m-morning...H-he's g-g-gone!" she stuttered and ran towards Alice, hugging the smaller girl tightly.

Alice only stood there numb.


She couldn't digest the news as quickly as Ciel did. She couldn't act as if nothing happen as her childhood friend did.

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