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^Picture^ is of Cassie

I really just want to get away from everything for a while, which is exactly the reason why I entered a competition to go on tour with my favourite band 5seconds of summer and one direction for 6 months, but I have a 1 in a million chance of winning it, the letter saying if I won or not should get here in the next few day, then If I win I'll be on tour for 6 months, but for now I have to get up and go to school.
" Cassie are you up?, you'll be late for your first day in year 12" My mum yelled to me from downstairs "I'm up!" I call back then walk down the hallway to the bathroom I grab a towel and hop into the shower, I have a quick shower then get dressed in my black skinny jeans and my grey long sleeve shirt with a black scarf and my black leather jacket and white converse, I decide to leave my hair down and leave it since its naturally straight. I grab my backpack and phone and walk downstairs and drop my bag by the door and pick up an apple and start eating, I notice a note on the bench from mum I pick it up and read it,
*sorry I had to head out to work earlier then planned, and I have a meeting until later tonight, dinners in the fridge, have a good day at school!*
"cool house to my self tonight" I say to know one I quickly finish my apple while checking Instagram on my phone grab I my backpack that I left by the door and my motor bike helmet, I walk outside and lock the door and open the garage grabbing my motor bike out and put my helmet on and hop on my bike and start my familiar route to school it's only a 5 minute ride so I arrive really soon and park my bike kicking the stand down I pull my helmet off and start walking towards the school to go to my locker I get there and, Ashley (the schools bully) is already there waiting for me, joy!

"Morning Cassie! Aren't you excited for school!" Ashley says in a way to cheery voice "yeah thrilled" I say back with no excitement what so ever in my voice Ashley and the rest of her popular crowd are the reason I hate this school and living here.
Ashley rolls her eyes and walks away from me purposely shoving into my shoulder I roll my eyes and open my locker and put my helmet away and check my timetable that I got in the mail last week, I have English then science first, eh that's not to bad I thought myself.

I put my timetable away just as the bell rings I grab my English and science book and start walking down the hallway I get to my English room and notice Ashley is already sitting there with other people from her crowd around her oh yay! I think sarcastically as I took a seat near the front far away from Ashley, about 10 minutes in to the class Ms Tucker is writing notes on the bored for us to copy out I was trying to concentrate but Ashley keeps throwing bits of paper at the back of my head.

The next half hour slowly dragged by, "alright class dismissed" Ms Tucker announced I quickly stood up grabbing my books and started heading for the door, but Ashley kicked my ankle causing me to trip sending my books flying across the room, I roll my eyes as Ashley and her crowd crack up laughing I stand and start to grab my books when I notice another girl I thinks names Emily picking the rest of my books up for me when all the books are picked she walks towards me handing me the books, "thanks it's Emily, right?" I ask taking the books from her "yeah, and your Cassie?" Emily replies smiling "yeah" I say "what class do you have now?" Emily asks "science, you?" I reply "same lets walk together?" Emily says smiling "ok cool" I reply heading off to science class we get and thank god no sight of Ashley and we take a seat together and talk until the teacher arrives Emily loves 5sos like me so I tell her about the competition, then when the teacher gets there we do our work for the next 40 minutes.
We then head to recess we hang out together during recess then go our separate ways after swapping number.
I have music and Emily has drama.

I really hope Emily and I can become good friends, the last real friend I was Ashley we were inseparable all during primary school then in high school she decided she was to cool to hang out with me, and started hanging out with the popular people.

I walk in to music class and take a seat and thankfully Ashley doesn't appear anywhere Yes! I silently think to myself I love music class and I don't want Ashley to ruin that for me, I wait a few minutes for the teacher to arrive.
"Hello class to start off the school year, you will be performing a song each, you can play with guitar or piano if you choose to"
Yes! I'm definitely singing long way home by 5sos people always tell me I'm an amazing singer but I don't think I'm THAT good.
"alright class you've had 5 minutes to decide on a song Ben your up first" Miss Rose said pointing at Ben. Ben stood up and made his way over to the piano and started playing and singing he had a really good voice, once he finished Miss Rose wrote down some notes on her clipboard "very good Ben that was a great song choice Cassie your turn" Miss Rose said turning to me I stood and made my way to the front of the class room I picked up the guitar " I'm going to be singing Long Way Home by 5 Seconds Of Summer" I said and Miss Rose copied it down while I started strumming on the guitar,
We're taking the long way home
Taking the long way home
Take me back to the middle of nowhere
Back to the place only you and I share
Remember all the memories
The butterflies and make believe
Kicking back in the old school yard
Singing songs on our guitar
This is our reality
Crazy,stupid you and me
We know this is the way it's supposed to be....
Once I finished the whole class applauded politely like they did for Ben, "that was amazing!" Miss Rose complimented me "thanks Miss Rose" I said blushing before returning to my seat and watching everyone else have their turn.

Finally it was the end of the day, and I was walking to my bike, I was on my phone checking Instagram, when I saw that 5sos had posted something I read the caption and it said "letters for who won the competition to come on tour with us and the 1D lads have been sent can't wait to meet the winner! X"

Omg!! I scream in my head quickly pocketing my phone I jump on my motor bike putting on my helmet I start my bike and ride home and park it in the garage and take off my helmet running towards my mail box I open it and there's a letter inside I grab the letter and run to the door I grab my keys from my bag and unlock the door I put my helmet by the door and run to my bedroom with the letter still in my hand I throw backpack down and rip the letter open and read it.
* To Cassie we are pleased to announce that you have been selected as the winner of the competition for the one direction and 5 seconds of summer take me home tour, you are allowed to invite one friend to come with you it is up to you but you will have to let us know soon, you are not coming on the tour with us to work you are coming to enjoy yourself with 1D and 5SOS please contact us ASAP on the number below to inform us if you will be bring a friend or not, the tour starts in 1 month, sincerely management*

"OMG!!!" I scream this is going to be so much fun I can't wait I get to get away from Ashley and her crowd and meet 5sos!
A few hours later and I've rang and told Emily about me winning but decide to wait for the weekend and surprise her by asking her to come with me, I've already eaten tea and I can hear mum pulling in to the drive way now.
Mum gets out the car and comes inside "guess what! I scream running towards her "hi to you to sweetie" mum says laughing "oh right hi mum sorry, but guess what!" I say getting more excited to tell her "what?" mum asks "I won!!!" I yelled excitedly mum just looks confused "won what?" Mum asks "the competition mum I'm going on the take me home tour in 1 month!" I say "oh honey that's amazing!" Mum says getting excited "I know and I get to take a friend, I'm going to ask my friend Emily if she'll come" I say "she a school friend?" mum asks "yeah she helped me today when Ashley tripped me over and I dropped my books" I tell mum "oh that was nice of Emily" mum says not at all surprised by what Ashley did since she does it all the time "yeah it was" I reply "okay I'm gonna have some dinner" mum says walking into the kitchen "okay I'm gonna do some homework and get an early night" I reply "okay sweetie" mum replies as I head upstairs

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