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*photo of Emily's and Michael's hair, it finally let me attach them, my wattpad was playing up :(*

Today is the last day of our break and we all decided to go swimming in the indoor pool since it was heated then order Chinese food, and have a movie night, the boys have 3 shows in England before we go to France! I can't wait! There's a tour bus, for us in France, and there's 11 shows and we're there for 2 weeks, then, we fly to America for 2 weeks for 12 shows around America then Japan and were their for 3 weeks and 15 shows and then New Zealand for 2 weeks and 12 shows, then Emily and I fly back to Australia and finish year 12, and return to our normal lives.

"Ready Em?" I ask coming out of the bathroom in my white shorts and maroon singlet to cover my bathers until I'm ready to hop in the pool "yup I was just sending in my science homework" Emily says shutting her laptop "Who are you and what have you done with my Emily Phillips?" I ask faking shock at her doing her homework she just rolls her eyes as we walk out the door and downstairs.

We reach the games room and walk through the door to where all the boys are swimming in the pool, I walk over and sit on one of the pool chairs.

I plug my headphones into my phone and put them in my ears and press shuffle and 'long way home' by none other than 5sos comes on I shrug and leave it, I had been sitting there for about 30 seconds when my music stopped I pulled my headphones out and saw Luke smirking holding on to my headphone cords so my music was playing aloud, "nice song choice" Luke smirks "I pressed shuffle" I tell him "sure sure" I hear Ashton say from the pool I turn and see all the boys and Emily looking at me and the 5sos boys smirking.

I roll my eyes at them and grab the cord from Luke who raises his hands in defence and jumps back in the pool, I plug my headphones back in before pressing play again.

I lay there for another 10 minutes or so before jumping in the pool with the others we had been mucking around and splashing each other for ages when I got out to check the time and see its 5:00 we got in the pool around 1:00 wow we had been in for quite a while.

"Guys!" I say getting there attention "it's 5:00, do you's still want Chinese?" I ask and they all nod "I'll go order it" I say not needing to ask what they wanted we had eaten Chinese a few times on tour so I knew what to order.

I dried off and stepped back into my shorts and singlet before stepping inside and going upstairs and towards the home phone I rang and place our order and they said it will be here in 40 minutes I thank him and hang up.

Seconds later the boys and Emily walk in so we go down to the games room and picked out the movies we planned to watch tonight.

40 minutes later I hear the doorbell ring "FOOD!!" We all shout in sync we laugh and Louis gets up to get the food.

He comes back down a few minutes later with food plus some plastic cutlery and plastic plates because no one felt like washing the dishes.

We ate then put the first movie toy story 2 in the DVD player the 5sos boys were sitting on one couch and I was sitting on Luke's lap with my legs across Ashton, Michael and Calum, and the 1D boys on the other couch and Emily was on Liam's lap with her legs across the other 1D boys we watched all the movies we had chosen, we finished the last one at 1:00 am and decided to go to bed because the boys have sound check at 12:30 tomorrow.

"Michael, c'mon" I say the next morning it was 11:30 and the boys had sound check at 12:30 then the concert is at 7:00 and they still need to get up eat and get ready and drive there, all the others boys and Emily were already dressed and eating Michael was refusing to get up "I'm sleeping" he replies "yeah I know that but you have to get up" I say back and he just rolls over and put his face into the pillow.

I sigh and walk downstairs "do you guys know where a bucket is?" I ask and they boys and Emily all raise there eyebrows at me "uh check in the garage" Harry says "thanks" I say and walk outside and into the garage, I look around and locate a blue bucket on the back shelf I walk over and grab it and walk back in again.

The boys and Emily see with the bucket but don't say anything they just look confused, I walk into one of the downstairs bathroom and fill the bucket halfway with waiter then, head upstairs to Michaels room.

"Michael get up now or I will tip a bucket of water on you" I tell him placing the bucket in the ground "you wouldn't do that to me you love me to much" he replies "oh we'll I tried to warn you" I tell him and before he gets the chance reply I pour the water on his head "ahhh!!!!" He screams shooting out of bed I just smirk at him "what the hell!" Michael yells "I told you I would if you didn't get up" I tell him and he just scowls at "go and have a shower and get dressed then come down for breakfast we're leaving soon" I tell him and he heads towards the walk in wardrobe.

"What did you do?" Ashton asks me a I walk into the kitchen "yeah we heard Michael scream" Zayn questions and I tell them what I did and the all laugh, until a grumpy Michael walks into the kitchen.

We all eat breakfast then head to the arena, they get through sound check pretty fast, so we head to a bakery down the road for a quick lunch, we have lunch, then head to a radio interview with the boys.

"So boys, you have two girls touring with you, what's it like?" The interviewer asks "it's great!, there just like our little sisters, we're like a big family" Louis replies for everyone, "are the girls here with you guys now?" The interviewer asks and they all nod "would they like to join us?" The boys turn and face us raising there eyebrows we nod and walk over and sit done at the squishy table and grab the headphones in front of us and put them on, we had done a few radio interviews so we knew what to do.

We answer a few questions from the interviewer "and that's all we have time for today, but now we are going to play 'fly' by Cassie Martin as requested by Luke Hemmings" the man says and clicks play on my youtube video that was on the monitor. My jaw drops as I realise what Luke had done, thousands and thousands of people would have been listening to his radio station.

We all stand up and shake the interviewers hand and walk out to drive back to the arena to finish getting ready for the concert "Luke!" I say hitting his arm once we all sit down "your welcome?" Luke replies looking scared "why didn't you tell me, you asked them to play my song?" I ask him "it was a surprise?" He answers and I just shake my head "ares you mad?" He asks me "no, but a heads up would have been nice" I reply and pulls a face and I lean over and awkwardly hug him since Ashton was sitting in the middle of us and he instantly smiles at me happy I wasn't mad at him.


"I'm so tired" Emily whines hours later, it was after the concert and it was 10:00 and we we're trying to decide on a movie to watch "why are you tired you didn't jump around on stage for ages singing" Zayn replies smirking "yeah but watching you guys made me tired" Emily whined as Harry puts toy story 2 in the DVD player "yeah I'm tired to" I say agreeing with Emily "see she gets me" Emily says sleepily "I think I'm just gonna go to bed now" Emily says standing up "yeah me to" I say standing up as well "night Case night Em" the boys all chorus "night boys, love you" we say back "love you too" they reply and we walk up stairs.

I put my zebra onside on and Emily puts on her leopard print onsie, before going to sleep I turn on my laptop and check the views on my last, youtube video, it had 430,000 views and 368,980 likes I smiled and logged out, then I plug my phone into charge and put it on my bedside table then drift off to a peaceful sleep.

A/N sorry it's been a while since my last update.

Since nothing is really happening I think I might jump a month or two ahead in the next chapter, what do you think??
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
-Montanna xx

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