Chapter 1

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Well hello there, welcome to my first Fanfic ever. As you probably guessed, this is going to contain spoilers for the anime, however, there will be obvious changes to the world and other characters due to the addition of a new character. The main character does have a defined look and demeanor, but I won't stop you from imagining your own character or changing certain parts as you see fit. Criticism is very much welcome, this being the first time I write something like this, I am bound to make mistakes and in case I don't realize it, i will be grateful for any and every bit of assistance. English is not my first language, I also don't get to speak it very often, so any expressions that seems weird, i apologize. Other than that, please enjoy!

Disclaimer: Darling in the Franxx and its respective material belong to Trigger/A1 Studios. OC belongs to me.


The Jian, also known as birds that fly together, are mythical birds that possess only one eye and one wing. These creatures are born imperfect, and they need to lean against each other and act as one in order to be able to fly. Their mutual dependence is eternal, lasting through death and rebirth.


What if there aren't enough of them?

What if the number of birds is odd?

What if...

They leave one behind?-

*poke* *poke*

Code: 003 is suddenly pulled out of his thoughts by his partner, 9'θ or "theta", poking his cheek.
She walks to the door and motions for him to come along.

003: "So what's happening? Papa is calling?" he asks, Theta nods in confirmation."Any idea of why?" he questions, Theta shrugs her shoulders, she doesn't seem to know why either.

Walking into the room where the Seven Sages reside, all the other 9s stand shoulder to shoulder as they wait for Theta to return with Code: 003.

"Thank you for bringing him, 9'θ " Papa says looking at Theta, after their arrival he proceeds to give the 9's their respective tasks, either being related to meeting with certain plantations and addressing matters with their respective Commanders and Care Takers, or fighting in a specific region, assisting plantations as they face the hordes of klaxosaurs in the frontlines .

However, 003 realizes that every mission given, does not include him. His partner has been named twice for missions but she was to be paired with another member of the 9's, he soon learns why.

"You, my child", Papa says, now looking straight at 003, "You are to meet with-" he is then interrupted by the gentle hiss of the door opening. Looking at who that might be, an old looking gentleman, with one of his arms being fully mechanic along with his jaw and right eye, walks in.

"of course" 003 mutters, knowing damn well who that is, he also knows that there are many things that may happen while with him, none of which are very pleasant.

"Great time, Werner", Papa resumes, "You, Code: 003, are to go with the Doctor", "To where?" 003 asks, "The Doctor is to run certain tests on you to make sure your recent stunts haven't damaged you or your Franxx", hearing this, 003 remembers why he was so spaced out a few moments ago...


The 9's were to assist the First United Company in the front lines, much to nobody's surprise, this quickly went from a task to a simple game of 'who kills more'. After a few hours of basically fighting by yourselves only leaving whatever managed to sneak past you to any other squad, the 9's start to grow bored.

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