Chapter 10

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(Inside Plantation 13)/(Tría's POV).

These people are weird. I thought that 003 had given me a name only because my code was difficult to remember, but these parasites all have names, and they were given by Code:016, or Hiro as he is called here. Is he even allowed to do that? Does Papa know about these names? 

After meeting all the girls, I left to go get familiar with the Plantation.

As I walk along a dirt path, I see the greenhouse as they call it, birds, even small animals live among the trees here.

I had never been in a plantation before, it truly is beautiful. The animals, the flowers, even the weather seems to change unlike the outside.

Papa truly has blessed us with building these.

From the corner of my eye I see one of the boys inside the greenhouse, he seems to be ill? He is sweating a lot and has something in his hand. It looks like a bottle of pills, and he just took a bunch of them.

Watching the boy, I failed to notice one of the girls, Kokoro, approach him. She is holding a book and a watering can, but she hid the book once she saw the boy. Is it a secret? Why is the book important?

As I watch them, my vision gets blurry but I keep my conscience. I get a strange feeling, it's like I've seen this before, but those don't look like Kokoro and the boy, well not the ones I was seeing anyways, they seem... young.

Quickly shaking my head, my focus is soon changed as my communicator starts ringing, showing a message from Nana, calling me and 003 to the briefing room. 


(Inside Plantation 13's boarding house)/(No One's POV)(A Few moments ago)

Zero Two: "...and then the things started leaking a bunch of black goo that managed to get inside our Franxx and corroded my suit."

003: "So that's why the girls are upset, the 'vulnerable' moment Miku talked about."

Zero Two: "yep, and now they are having this lame fight."

003: "Lame? The boys aren't even allowed to bathe."

Zero Two" Eh, they all still stink even after showering. Only Darling smells somewhat better."

003: "Thanks for that Zero Two"

Zero Two then gave a cheeky smile as she giggled and skipped away inside the house, but before 003 could follow, a hand held his arm.

"The rules apply for you aswell Three." Said the leader of Squad 13, Ichigo.

003: "So I have to suffer for a mistake I didn't commit?"

Ichigo: "As Miku said-"

"Ichigo" said 003, his tone cold as he stared down the bluenette.

The girl kept her chin high as she stared back at the taller boy.

003: "If I was here when it happened, I would be the Pistil in Herperis, you know that, right?"

Ichigo: "What? Y-yeah I know that. Why is that import-  oh"

003: "Yeah, I think you got it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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