Chapter 4

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(No One's POV)

*bzzzzt* *bzzzzt*  *bzzzzt*

003 was woken up the following morning by his communicator ringing, groggily grabbing the device, he was met by a voice not very familiar to him.

Hachi: "Code: 003, today we begin your training"

003: "eh? What training? What time is it?"

Hachi: "you will receive all the necessary info later, present yourself at the docking bay at 0530"

Hachi then hung up.

003's thoughts: 'uuhh wait. 5:30? what time is i-'

Looking at the time in his communicator, he read 5:00am, one and a half hours before the time parasites usually wake up.

003's thoughts: "ok so 30 minutes, enough for a shower and maybe eat something."

003 went on to do just that, first getting a much needed shower, as he went to bed straight after the mock battle. Finishing that he, made his way to the mess hall where he was met by 3 tables, one for the boys, one for the girls, and one smaller table.

Making his way to the small table, he sat down and again looked at his communicator.


003's thoughts: 'should be enough for a quick breakfast'.

As he made himself a sandwich, he started hearing people walking and talking on the floor above. Not enough to be everyone, but maybe 2 or 3 people.
Those thoughts were confirmed when Goro and Ichigo made their way down stairs into the mess hall.

Goro: "Morning"

Ichigo: "Good Morning ,Three"

003: "You two also got some kind of training today?"

003 asked as Goro sat at the boys table

Goro: "yep, Nana called us."

003: "did she tell you what kind of training is it?"

Goro: "She said it was supposed to 'integrate you more to the squad', whatever that means"

003: "If it includes the leader of the squad, I think I can guess what it is".

Ichigo: "then what is i-"

The moment Ichigo included herself in the conversation, she was interrupted by 003 getting up from his table and making his way to the door.

003: "oop, 5 minutes, we should get going".

As he finished, Goro quickly grabbed himself a piece of bread while Ichigo got an apple.

While making their way straight to the changing rooms, they all tried to think of what kind of training were they going to have and why did 003 have something in mind.

As they arrived at the docking bay, Goro and Ichigo realized that someone was missing, not 003 but his partner.

Goro: "should we wait for... Erm 099 was it?"

???: "no need, he was already sent back to the garden."

Looking at the source of that voice, Goro, Ichigo and 003 saw Dr. Franxx alongside Nana and Hachi.

003: "hah, I knew it"

Ichigo: "wait what? How is he going to pilot the Franxx then?"

Dr. Franxx and 003: "Stampede Mode"

As they said, 003 turned around and made his way to his Franxx. So did Dr. Franxx to the surveillance room to watch the training unfold.

Goro and Ichigo looked at Nana and Hachi in utter confusion.

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