Chapter 9

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(Somewhere in the wasteland)/(No One's POV)

A pair of Franxx is seen moving at great speed, going towards what seems to be more emptiness.

???: "What are we doing here again?" 

???2: "For the last time, we are on a normal scout mission, like the ones we have done hundreds of times before."

This is Code:107, leader of Squad 9 and a very experienced Pilot. He is paired with Code:113 and together they pilot a standard issue Franxx, just like his comrades.

The one asking the question was Code:019, a boy who seems to think that the fact that he is a teen code (2 digit and under 20)  makes up for any non professional thing he ever does, like not paying attention to the briefings and ignoring orders. He is paired with Code:088, a girl whose words are always ignored by her partner.

Code:113: "I get his confusion though, we have never gone this far away from the plantation in any other scout mission."

Code:088: "Why are we doing this anyways? We haven't had any klaxosaur activity in a few days"

Code:107: "and that's a problem. The longer they go without attacking, the bigger is the attack that comes after." 

As they talked, the sensors on their Franxx got a signal of what seems to be a small life form a few miles away.

Code:107, to his commander: "We have detected something"

Commander: "understood, make a visual inspection, but maintain your distance."

Code:107: "understood. 019, 088, prepare to use forma-" But before he could finish his strategy, 019 began flying towards the signal.

Code:113: "guys wait!"

And so, both Franxx made their way to the target head on, the first of which already readying a stance with it's spear in hand and a serious expression.

Code:088 was never much of a leader and it shows. Letting her partner take full control while in combat and, more often than not, getting hurt in the process.

This didn't seem to be a problem to 019 however, as he always made sure that everyone knew he was the superior pilot, maybe the best any plantation had ever seen, to him the 9's weren't that special.

Little did he know, the difference was bigger than he could ever imagine.

As the 2 Franxx flew towards the target, Code:107 started growing more and more concerned.

Code:107: "We are getting too close to the target, only us 2 won't do much if it is anything bigger than a-"

Once again, before 107 could finish, something major happened. This time however, it was...


A massive explosion happened right in front of Code:019 and Code:088. Too Close.

As the smoke dissipated, the cause of the explosion showed itself. A scorpion-like klaxosaur with a rectangular body and what seems to be a tower replacing the tail. With the body being around 3 times the size of the normal Franxx, and enough of a gap between it and the floor for a Franxx to fly under. 

After being sent flying back a few feet, they quickly got up and readied their fighting stance, but before they could even starting making a strategy...

Something else appeared, on the corner of their eye and quickly made it's way to the top of the klaxosaur's "tower" at speeds they could barely even comprehend and sliced it in two, seemingly getting the core, as the whole thing exploded in blue liquid.

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