Chapter 3

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(003's POV)

We arrived at the plantation just a day after the new Squad 13's graduation. As we left the airship we were greeted by some of the plantations personnel standing there waiting for us, those were most likely the plantation's commander, and the parasite's caretaker.

"Welcome to Plantation 13, my name is Nana and I will be the one watching over and taking care of you outside of battle" said a lady with brown-ish red hair.

"it is an honor to have the likes of you reside here Code: 003. I am Plantation 13's defensive commander and strategist Hachi", Said a man in military uniform as he saluted. He is of above average height and has a typical military haircut.

As we walked through the maze-like halls, making our way to the lab where I'd receive a few last minute checks to make sure I was fine, Nana excused herself and made her way into another section of the plantation.

I simply sat down in an hospital bed as the scientist and researchers did their thing. After a few minutes I was clear to go, so I chose to make my way to the boarding house where the parasites, and now me, live.

Making my way around the plantation wasn't the easiest thing ever, but after a few minutes I managed it. Getting in the elevator, I saw the golden city that takes a good chunk of the insides of every plantation. This is where the adults live.

003's thoughts: 'how can something so beautiful be so... lifeless'.


(At the boarding house)/(No One's POV)

"I'm sorry, but we will have to postpone the mock battle", said Nana to all of Squad 13

The reactions were varying degrees of disappointment.

"Whaaaaat?!" Said one of the boys, "but I wanted to show that Hiro didn't pilot today!", he continued.

Nana: "I once again apologize, but we have more important matters to discuss"
As if on queue, the front door can be heard, from it comes someone no one from Squad 13 had ever seen. Well, apart from a certain pink haired girl.

Everyone's expression went from those of disappointment, to those of surprise and some even of fear. The one to walk in was none other than Code: 003 himself.

Still adorning his formal attire, 003 did have quite the menacing presence, specially as he towered even over the tallest member of squad 13, standing at the same height as Nana.

"I'd like you all to meet Code: 003, another parasite that carries klaxosaur blood" said Nana, the whole of squad 13 gasped in unison.

"He will be staying here to undergo a variety of tests, also having his kind of experience around wont hurt". Continued Nana. Hearing this, one of the girls raised her hand and asked, "Zero Two is already here, isn't that enough?"

Hearing that, 003's eyes started quickly darting around the room until they met a certain pink haired parasite, honestly he couldn't tell how he hadn't seen her until now.

"While he will be a part of the team while he is here, he will still be under Papa's command along with the other 9's. That means he can come and go quite often, so I ask all of you to be accepting of him as well as Zero Two as they stay here. Ichigo, could you please prepare a room for him?"
The girl who had raised her hand before, short and blue-haired with a hair pin holding the left bangs stood up and nodded as the caretaker made her exit.

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