Chapter 7

555 16 2

33 hours

That's the time remaining before the largest operation they had ever seen.

Hundreds of klaxosaurs attacking, and their only defense was themselves.

This kind of operation is done many times by every plantation, but the first one from a squad was the moment where they would know if they were truly ready to pilot.

Unlike the 9's or Code:002 and Code:003, every plantation had a full squad of 5 standard issue Franxx, all of which armed with a magma-tipped spear, the tip could be used as a projectile and was also retractable. 

Having more of the same kind of Franxx made it possible to coordinate attacks with a larger effective area. This however, wasn't the strategy most Squads used, yes they did coordinate attacks, but they always fought enemies one by one, even as a full squad. This did make sure that every enemy they fought was properly dealt with, but also allowed enemies to get past them more often.

In a "Kissing" operation, this was still a problem, but a minor one, for there were always 2 squads in the field, one upfront and one as back up.

This tactic wasn't perfect, but was easily done by rookie parasites and they could eventually develop their own tactics. Experience doesn't make perfection, but reduces the possibility of any mistakes happening.


(Boarding House)/(No One's POV)

Squad 13, alongside Squad 26, Strelizia and Hesperis were to show up at the docking bay in 24 hours, but were also warned to stand by and be ready to deploy at any time.

As some of the parasites went to sleep, 003 decided to have a walk before going to bed.

After a few hours of walking in his sleepwear, which consisted of black pants with a light blue line on each side and a light blue shirt with one black line going up on each side, 003 came started hearing people talking, one of them sounds like Zero Two.

Walking closer to the voices, 003 sees Ichigo looking absolutely terrified and Zero Two with her horn glowing blood red.

Getting closer, he hears Zero Two say.

"Human you say? Let me ask you this, what does it mean to be human?"

As she said this, Zero Two started walking closer to Ichigo, raising her hands. Ichigo was standing there, frozen from fear.

Just before they met, 003 stood inbetween them, looking at Zero Two.

003: "are you a monster?"

Zero Two froze in place, looking at 003 with eyes filled with both anger and confusion.

003: "no, you are not."

The red in her horns and eyes slowly disappearing.

003: "but if you touch her, you will be saying that you are."

Zero Two took a step back as her eyes started watering.

"Ichigo, go back." 003 said, now looking at the other girl.

Ichigo: "B-but"

"Ichigo" 003 said once more, looking at her as his eyes too now filled with water, but not allowing anything to come out.

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