Chapter 2

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(003's POV)

After a few hours of traveling, I had already had slept way more than I though I would, so I decided to just stare outside, hoping that either something crosses my mind and keeps me entertained for a moment, or that we finally reach our destination. Sadly, neither of which had happened for the 2 hours I spent staring outside. Nothing but a barren wasteland, not even a single plantation or even signs of recent combat.

"How much longer will it take?" I ask slightly louder than usual, making sure that either the old man or one of his assistants heard me.

"For us to reach the Plantation? maybe a day at most, after we leave the Garden, that is." One of the doctor's assistants says.

"The Garden?, he said we were going to a plantation" I ask, "and we are" Dr. Franxx says from the seat in front of mine, "but I still have to make sure no damage was done to your brain or any fragile systems in your Franxx".

(No One's POV)

The Garden was a place every parasite knew. It is the place where every parasite is born and tested, to make sure they will be capable of connecting and piloting a Franxx once they are of age, 14 years of age to be precise.

Code: 003 however, did not live the same way normal parasites did. He wasn't born there, he was made there. He knew from a young age that his less-than-human nature meant that he couldn't be put together with other parasites.

As far as he remembers, everything that happened to him in the Garden, was meant to test and prove that he was not only a competent parasite, but to prove that he was the best parasite humanity could have, even if that meant having the enemy's blood flowing in him.

The tests other parasites went through were mostly done in machines, while the children were at least partially sedated. The tests done on Code: 003 however, were beyond anything a normal parasite would even imagine feeling even in a combat situation, from injecting his body with copious amounts of yellow blood-cells, to cutting his limbs and watching as they slowly reattached, he had to see and feel things he wouldn't wish upon his worst enemy.


(a few years earlier)/(No One's POV)

In a dark room resides a small cloaked figure holding a book. Through the darkness, a pair of horns can be seen, shinning a dim red, they are still easily seen within the shadows that engulfs the room.
This would soon change, as a young boy climbing atop a nearby tree smashed a hole through the window.

This was the first time the figure saw a human react in a way that wasn't hidden behind a mask or a metallic jaw. This time, the human seemed worried about it, even going as far as making it shoes out of something he had brought with him.

The figure, a young girl with red skin that now shone in the sun in contrast with the white of the snow under them, enjoyed this. Not having an adult poking poles into her skin or injecting things into her was something she could get used to.

Unbeknownst to them, their little escapade was being watched. Not by security, nor by a scientist, but by something very similar to the girl.
To the room beside her own, resided something. Quite smaller than even the girl but still shared many of her features, and at the same time, was her complete opposite.
It watched as a boy took the girl from her room, taking her to the outside world.

To freedom.

Sadly, the girl's freedom didn't last long, as they were soon found by the guards of the facility. The boy fought to protect the girl, but he was no match, and soon was overpowered by a guard.

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