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"I Future Alpha Wyatt Birch, reject you, Harmony Foster, as my mate!" 

Those words said so carelessly, would haunt me for the rest of my life.

 Why? Why would he just reject me like that, I thought my mate would love me, cherish me, but he just threw me away like nothing.

I couldn't even begin to understand what had just happened until I felt it, the pain, it spread throughout my body mainly focused towards my heart. It felt like I was being stabbed with a serrated knife, just tearing through every muscle and artery.

I didn't want to show him the pain he had caused, I won't give him that satisfaction of seeing me grovel before him, but my body could only take so much.

My body was shaking from the pain, it just kept getting more intense, is this what they mean when you feel like you are dying, is this the pain my mother had endured. No it was far much worse then this.

I steady myself before looking up into those hazel eyes of his, "I Harmony Foster, accept your rejection." I say coldly, watching him crumble to his knees.

***End of memory***

I get interrupted from my thoughts when the café door bell rings, I look up to see the person who had broke the last whole piece of me. Alpha Wyatt. 

On his arm was his new mate, well his chosen mate he wasn't blessed with a second chance so he chose his own, he didn't care that she had a mate, neither did she.

Emily willow, she is known as the pack slut, probably because she has been around the block more then once, what can I say like mother, like daughter.

"Well if it isn't the packs little bitch!" Emily says with a cocky smirk. "I haven't seen you around I thought you had finally died, what a shame you haven't" 

I bow my head down knowing full well Alpha Wyatt would have my head for showing even the slightest disrespect towards her.

"where is Elder Faye?" Alpha Wyatt asked.

"In her office Alpha, would you like me to retrieve her for you?" I said cautiously not wanting to receive another beating.

"No I can get her myself, Emily my love, stay here while I talk to Elder Faye about our mating ceremony." He said loud enough to make sure I heard.

"Ok love! I'll be here waiting." She said sickly sweet.

Alpha Wyatt walks away heading towards the back before completely disappearing. Emily scoffs, I hear her heels clicking on the floor getting closer.

"Awe look at the wolf-less no body, nothing more then a worthless omega all because of your idiot father, even before that you were an outcast. Your own mate was to ashamed to have you. Don't worry I keep his bed nice and warm." 

God I can't stand her.

"I have your mother to thank for that." I say in a whisper, but I forget she is a wolf, their hearing is far better than mine. 


All of sudden I'm on the floor holding my left cheek tasting a metallic taste in my mouth. She had slapped me so hard my teeth pierced the inside of my cheek. 


Alpha Wyatt runs out hearing the commotion, I can see him in the corner of my eye looking from her to me.

"What is going on here!" He says in a slight panic.

"Baby this good for nothing bitch talked bad about my mother." She ran to him, I could hear from just her voice she was putting on her fake tears.

Alpha Wyatt stomped his way towards me, grabbing me by the hair and lifting me up, I made a slight whimper. 

"How dare you talk to my mate like that!" 

That stung a little hearing him call that she-wolf mate but nothing compared to the physical pain I feel from the fractured ribs that haven't fully healed from my last encounter with Emily and her little group. 

"She is the future Luna of this pack you are to respect her. I don't know how many times I have to beat this into your head but I will do it if I have too." He lifts his hand ready to strike me.

"She will never be your Luna, Alpha Wyatt, I already told you no matter what you do the goddess will never accept a weak she-wolf such as her. You already lost the chance at ever having a strong Luna by your side." Elder Faye said as she made her way towards us.

Emily looks taken aback at what she just heard, Alpha Wyatt sends Elder Faye a warning glare as if he didn't want Emily to know she was nothing compared to me his real mate and Luna.

"Wyatt! What does she mean by that?" Emily looks at Wyatt like she has just gotten her heart ripped into two. 

Elder Faye makes her way towards me, she helps me up before giving both Alpha Wyatt and Emily the most soul piercing stare before turning to me with a soft gentle look and saying in a sweet grandmotherly voice.

"Let's get you something cool for that cheek dear." 

"Darling don't listen to her this old bat has no idea what she is talking about," he takes her hands in his as he tries to change the topic. "You will be my Luna soon enough and we will rule this pack better then any other could."

Elder  Faye looks like she has had enough of the Alphas bullshit since this isn't his first visit to her about this matter, from what she has told me ever since 3 years ago she has had to remind him that the Goddess does not approve of his choice.

"Emily Willow you will never be Luna of this pack the Goddess does not give her blessing as she sees you as destructive and arrogant. If you ever got to lead this pack you would surely be the end of us all."

"HOW DAR-" Emily goes to strike Elder Faye but is stopped by Elders Faye's piercing gaze.

"You are no match for me dear, I maybe old but the Goddess made me an Elder for a reason and I can have you drop dead with in a second. So I suggest you both listen Emily maybe a Wither now because the Gamma's took her in but she can't erase her Omega past she will always be a Omega who was seen as unworthy of the title as Luna. Now get out of my cafe!"

Character descriptions 

Harmony Foster  Age:23  Birthday: 03/16  hair: auburn  eyes: light icy blue  features: light freckles  height: 5'6"  weight: 123  skin: fair porcelain  scars: many  body type: Pear shape curves light muscle 

Independent, timid, humble, mature, smart, emotional, shy

Pack: Silver Moon  Position: Omega (formerly Gamma)  Mate: Wyatt Birch (rejected)  Wolf: N/A

Wyatt Birch  Age:24  Birthday: 05/02  hair: dirty blonde  eyes: hazel green  features: none  height: 6'3"  weight: 230  skin: fair beige  body type: slight muscle build with slim trapezoid shape. 

Arrogant, selfish, cruel, greedy, basically an asshole

Pack: Silver Moon  Position: Alpha  Mate: Harmony Foster ( rejected) Emily Wither (chosen) Wolf: Lance 

Emily Wither  Age:22  birthday: 09/23  hair: light brown  eyes: brown  features: none  height: 5'7"  weight: 115  skin: warm beige  body type: skinny hourglass figure no muscle build 

Bitter, insecure, arrogant, clingy, selfish, 

Pack: Silver Moon  Position: Gamma female (Was Omega) Mate: Wyatt Birch (chosen)  Wolf: Sofie

Faye Reznikov  Age: 2,125  birthday: 12/07  hair: pure white  eyes: silver  features: scar mate mark  height:5'5"  weight: 120  skin: Ivory  body type: average granny look but not at all frail

Sweet, wise, fierce, spiritual, kind soul, loyal

Pack: Silver Moon  Position: Elder  Mate: Edward River ( deceased)  Wolf: Yuma

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