The Final Push To War

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We arrived at the airport, but instead of being in the front like all the humans we had our own section towards the back away from them, yes we were still a part of society but we wolves had to keep our community safe.

The human government doesn't know about us mainly since we have our packs seen as some sort of religious group, they don't mess with us since we bought our own portions of land that suited us best. 

Our land isn't to be explored by humans there is a strict law not to, so just like our land we have a section of the airport for us, we may be able to control our wolves but our strength is far greater than theirs.

So for the sake of humans I set a rule in place restricting any contact made with them to make sure my pack members don't blow our cover.

We reach the entrances to the planes, I stop before mine and turn around looking over my warriors, female and male standing tall with pride as I scan over them.

"Listen up all of you we will be entering territory that we don't know that well but we are fierce and strong in numbers we will not be beaten by those that are weak."

"That being said I don't want you harming any of the females or children understood. The females of that pack aren't trained well enough to beat warriors such as us and the children are just kids innocent we don't take the lives of innocent pups, the females will put up a fight though especially for their pups safety but you are to just make them submit that's all. Got it!"

"YES ALPHA!" my pack replies in unison 

"Good, now get your asses on the planes hurry up we don't got all day!" I command 

As they all rush to get to their planes I make my way into mine, my Beta right behind me and a few of our higher ranking warriors.

The flight attendants (also wolves) lead me to my own section of the plane, I had this plane customized to have a private room to myself so I can get some peace and quiet away from everyone else.

I go to the mini bar in the back of my room pouring myself some whiskey before taking my sit, I grab the one file that has my interest out from the stack I still have yet to finish going through.

I take a drink before opening her file once more, to study her to try and figure out why my wolf and I are so drawn to this female that seems to not even really exist amongst her own pack, something about her just seemed intriguing. 

Reading over her file once more I pull out four more files, her parents and her two siblings, from what I know so far her mom is dead, her dad is an asshole, and her two siblings are twins but nothing else on them really either.  


The door opens revealing my Beta, he has an annoyed look on his face as he steps in closing the door behind him.

"Alpha we have a bit of a problem."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well one of our warriors were exploring for god knows why and I guess you can say he got a little to close to Silver Moon territory. To keep it short he has been captured and seems to be having a grand old time in their cellars." 

"Tell me this is some stupid joke."

I was not happy in the slightest now, my own warrior got captured all because he wanted to explore really, sometimes I regret ever being this packs Alpha.

"If it was sir I wouldn't even waste your time with the packs foolish behavior but this message was from Ryker himself."

"Great just great," I run my hand over my face before resting my chin on my hand. 

"Call Ryker and have him mark on the blueprint map of the entire pack territory where the warrior would be found and then have him get the warriors ready on the west border. We will start the war the moment we land."

"Yes Alpha." 

I let out a long sigh before I take the glass and chug what's left in it, if life wasn't stressful enough then this just made things a lot more complicated. 

Picking up the file on the mystery girl again I graze over her file one last time, I don't know why but ever since finding out about her I can't get her off my mind. I have a need for her that I can't explain.

'Vassago what does this mean? Why am I constantly flooded with thoughts of a girl I don't know.'

Vassago is my wolf the other half that completes me in a way but also is the main cause of me having a missing half I have yet to find... my true mate.

'It could mean a lot of things Brandon but... she might be our mate. But we won't know until we take over that pathetic pack.'

He has a point but still I have a feeling the moment we step foot onto that pack territory I won't be focused on the fight, no she is all I can think of and I don't even know her.

'Try and get some rest Brandon, we have a long couple of hours a head of us and you haven't been sleeping much lately, our body needs it's rest even if you need to be knocked out with a sedative.' 

'Yeah yeah I'll try but I ain't taking no damn sedative, don't need a repeat of last time.'

Vassago leaves the front of my mind with a deep chuckle before its silent again.

Examining the pattern on the glass I think to myself about the little wolf, I wonder what she looks like now, what she would smell like, how she would tast- I yank myself from my thoughts before I fall to far down the rabbit hole. 

I let out a defeated chuckle "What the hell is wrong with me. I can't do this again." 

Again... it's weird to think that way but this feels different then before almost like jumping into the deep sea having no clue what's beneath the water but whatever it is I won't feel like I'm drowning instead it's like being engulfed in warm blanket surrounded by the soothing feeling of belonging for once. 

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