The Final Snap

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There is a silence before a creak in the wooden floor has both Emily and me looking at the person before us.

Wyatt is just standing there looking hurt and heart broken as he stares straight at me.

"Baby!" Emily practically runs to him but instead of receiving her like he normally does he pushes her away. 

"W-what do you mean you don't want me?" Wyatt's face is full of pain 

That just pisses me off more, who the hell does he think he is looking all hurt when he was the one who rejected me, ME! not him I wasn't the one who through our bond away like it meant nothing.

"Oh now you care! Really? You don't get to walk in here acting all hurt when it was you who threw everything we could have had away the moment you found out about us being mates. You never cared the only thing you cared about was your self image in the pack!" 

" And you!" I turn to look at Emily now who looks shocked that I talked back to the Alpha. "You got some nerve to come here and put your hands on me for something I never even did. I never wanted this or any of the bullshit life I had to live but remember its because of your worthless slut of a mother who ruined my life!" 

All the pain and anger I felt over all those years finally reached its peak and is just spilling out of me.

"You are nothing but a worthless sluts mutt that no one wanted until you were adopted into the Gammas family who aren't even real Gamma's of this pack. You think your so special but your not hell even the Goddess is so disappointed by you that she wont even give the Alpha his blessing for his chosen mate." 

"So both of you can go straight to hell for all I care I'm done being your punching bag and I'm done with you" I look back at Wyatt, "always being two faced one moment wanting me as your mate and the next being repulsed by me. I hate you both with a passion and I hope to see the day you both get what your deserve cause I sure as hell didn't deserve any of the shit I was put through." Once I am finished with that last part I am out of breathe trying to even it out waiting to see their responses. 

Wyatt looks stunned like he was just shot and doesn't know what to do or how to react to the feelings he is experiencing. 

Emily on the other hand regains her thoughts quicker then him and starts to stomp towards me ready to strike me with one of her slaps that she thinks is effective but really it just shows her Omega blood running through her veins.

Before she even gets close enough to hit me I stride forward throwing my weight behind the right hook I land on her face feeling and hearing her nose break underneath the impact.

Emily is on the ground in seconds as Wyatt steps back confused but he then goes to her side quick before looking up at me with emotions I can t understand in his eyes.

"I told you I'm done being a punching bag I may not have a wolf but I still have pure Gamma blood running through my veins and I will always have a strength to me that an Omega will never have." 

"You got rid of me because you deemed me weak but in reality you chose the weak over the strong. You have only yourself to blame for your actions and the path you are now stuck on, I hope you suffer everyday with the choices you made." With that I run out the front door I don't know where I'm going but away from here is all I can think about so I just run.

My legs are burning as I run down a unknown path its one of the warriors many paths they use for training I honestly had no clue if they would be here yet since I have no clue what time it is but I don't care.

Pushing myself to go faster I finally reach one of the rivers we have around us I haven't been to this one before but it seems like a nice spot to get some peace and quiet for a little bit.

I jog to the edge and collapse as I breath heavy trying to catch my breathe with each inhale, the smell of fresh water and pine trees feels my senses it's relaxing. 

I feel the cool earth beneath me the soft grass in my hands and the sound of rushing water drowns out all the worries I have. 

After laying their like that for what seems like 15 minutes I raise myself up to sit and watch the water as it rushes down over the edge of the waterfall.

I hear some rustling behind me, turning my head quickly to look behind me I see a few of the pack warriors surface from the forest the males wearing shorts and the one female wearing a sports bra and shorts.

"There you are little bitch." The female says with a chirper voice.

Great I know damn well Emily had something to do with this since the girl is considered to be her right hand man well woman but that's beside the point.

"What do you want Rachel?"

"Emily wanted us to teach you a lesson that you seem to be forgetting quite often so that's why we are here wasting our precious time on someone like you." 

"If your time is so precious why don't you go spend it doing something else like fucking your mates best friend." I look between her and one of the warriors.

Rachel looks taken aback but soon replaced with an angry look,  and her mate Michael looks even more pissed then she does since he has been trying to find out who she has been sleeping with.

"Oh he doesn't know? Well I guess cats out of the bag now." I say sarcastically with a snide smirk. 

"You have been sleeping with Richard? My best friend since childhood!" Michael looks like he is about to kill Rachel. 

"I'm glad I didn't mark you since I don't need a worthless slut as my mate you disgust me." Rachel now looks hurt.

"Dude it's not that big of a deal calm down." Richard says making Michael fly of the handle and he lunges at him beating Richard to a bloody pulp.  

Rachel is screaming at him to stop but it's to late, Michael gives the finishing blow kill Richard once and for all while Rachel screams in the background.

"Well this is a lovely turn of events." Rachel looks up at me with tears in her eyes.



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