The Start Of The War

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The plane lands at the nearest airport to the mutts pack, from there I lead a bigger portion of my pack to the woods while my beta takes the others to the vehicles, we will need them for transportation after. 

I take the first shift, shredding the clothes I had on as my body breaks and rearranges in painful ways that I have gotten use to by now, as I stand fully transformed I throw Vassago to the front and I stand lingering in the back of our mind. 

The pack takes my shift as the signal to shift themselves, the sound of bones breaking and bodies rearranging is disturbing to those who can't handle gruesome sounds but it leaves a pleasant ring in our ears. 

As I hear the last of the pack finish up Vassago takes to the forest running at full speed yearning for the bloodshed that his teeth will rip from those worthless excuses of warriors. 

'Alpha we are ready for your command.' My Gamma links me. 

'Start the attack on your side, we will go from the eastern side while they are distracted and take as much ground as we can to herd them all towards the middle.'

In the very distance I hear the howl of Ryker's wolf sounding to the warriors to attack and as they work their way into the pack out of force and bloodshed it gives us time to spread out further so when we start pushing forward we can round up their pack members quicker.

I see the edge of their town come into view and Vassago pushes faster eager to get to any wolf that stands in his way.

Some of their warriors rushing to the west side spot us and they go to shift but before any of them succeed a few of my warriors and me get to them first, Vassago tears through the first warriors throat immediately dropping him to the ground.

We move on to the next right after tearing apart any who stand in my way as the female warriors go to round up the females and children since they aren't as threatening to them like my males are. 

With the bodies at our feet Vassago releases a howl signaling to the others to proceed with the second plan of the attack we stand there for a moment watching as the blood bath before us takes a turn with the second row of warriors coming in to start the round up. 

That's when something catches Vassago's attention.

There she was, the female that was stuck in my  head for days now the one I never got to see the front of but now that I see her I know for a fact it's her.

But something isn't right she is running towards my pack warriors not away why and where is she heading.

'Vassago follow her. Don't let her out of our sight.' 

With that Vassago takes off full speed chasing after the girl she moves quick and seems pretty agile with how she dodges the warriors on both sides.

I see her go into a part of the forest and Vassago pushes faster so he doesn't lose her but once we cross the forest bushes the sight before us makes our blood boil, she is being held down by a wolf that is from her pack. 

The small wolf in front of me is a female and it looks like she is intentionally hurting the girl under her but before I can kill the bitch that's in front of me my female Beta tackles the wolf snapping her neck in the process. 

The girl laying on the ground is frozen in fear not sure what just happened but we make our way over to her slowly.

She sits up slowly and looks towards the dead female wolves body and to the wolf who just saved her.

"Umm, thank you." My Beta is taken by surprise and so am I, she thanked her for killing a member of her pack but why, that's strange behavior even from a female such as her self. 

Evelyn gives her a quick nod and runs away to join the others once again.

I am right beside her once she turns to finally face me and the moment she stares into our eyes it hits us like a train, her smell, Goddess her smell is heavenly it's like nothing I have ever experienced before.

Her eyes are still locked on to me as we are mesmerized by her, she is beautiful her auburn hair is a little frizzy and tangled from being thrown to the ground but her icy blue eyes staring at us show so many different emotions it's unreal. 

she has light freckles over her nose and slightly on her cheeks, her skin is like a smooth porcelain no imperfections show on her face and her lips are full but small. 

Vassago nuzzles she cheek taking in her scent as much as he can before stepping back a bit to not overwhelm her and thats when it's clicks. 

'MATE' Vassago growls out in possessiveness, his voice not even sinking in fully when I hear her whisper the words I have waited to hear for so many years but wished I'd never experience ever again.

 "Mate." It was so quiet but I heard it and my heart skips a beat as I stare at this beautiful women before me. 

She moves back with a terrified expression and I wonder why she is so scared all of a sudden but before I can even do anything she is on her feet and running away again. 

'What the hell just happened?' Vassago doesn't answer instead he chases after our mate since fighting is still going on he doesn't want to risk her getting hurt or worse another one of her pack members try to attack her again.

She winds through the woods following a path that she seems to know by heart and I notice no other wolves are here only her and me. 

She takes a sudden turn to the left causing Vassago to skid in the dirt as he gets his footing corrected and follows her down this narrow path. 

I see an opening at the end of the path and she passes through it with us not to far behind but once we get through I understand why she ran here. 

This is scared land, every pack has a place strictly for the Elders and no blood is to be shed on this spot, it's seen as disrespectful to the Goddess since Elders are her personal messengers is that why she came here.

I watch as she rushes inside the building while Vassago allows me to take over and shift back to our human form. 

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