Well I'm Screwed

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Rachel closes the distance between us as I get in the proper stance to stop her attack. 

She goes to swing a right hook, I dodge readjusting quickly grabbing her arm and flipping her over onto her back before taking a few steps away out of her reach.

I hear a growl to my left I turn to look and see Michael charging at me now but it isn't him in control it's his wolf eyes that are showing.

He is gonna be a challenge since he is a male and males are a lot stronger then us females especially me who doesn't have a wolf.

But luckily for me he isn't thinking clearly because of his wolf losing control so I'll have a bit more of an advantage at hand.

He goes to tackle me but I move just in time to dodge his grasp and I run towards the rivers edge setting myself up for an escape if I need to get out of here quickly. 

Michael is back up charging back at me but this time when he goes to tackle me he does a fake and instead moves to the right side of me grabbing hold of my arm with a firm grip which will most likely leave a deep bruise.

I go to hit him but he off sets my balance by yanking me down towards the ground, I fall back hitting the dirt and rock beneath me hard enough to stun me but before I can get back up he is on top of me hands wrapping around my neck choking me.

Panic sets in as I try to fight him off but it's no use he is in a rage which just makes this a worse situation to be in.

He gets up and drags me towards the water, dunking my head below the water I trash trying to break free from his grip but nothing is working, the adrenaline is running through my veins making me trash even harder against him. 

I start to feel around for anything I can before my hand comes to a large rock I take it in my hand and with the adrenaline pumping through my veins feeding what little strength I have left I strike him on the left side of the head.

I feel his grip loosen I take that chance to rise up out of the water taking a deep breath and hitting him again in the same spot but harder this time.

He collapses to the side holding his head as I get up coughing hard from the lack of oxygen but before I fully catch my breathe I turn to him and as he goes to stand up I hit him again knocking him off balance which makes him fall into the river. 

I watch him struggle to swim to the surface but the more he struggles the further he goes out into the water I watch as he gets closer to the edge of the waterfall before I hear Rachel screaming and running down the rivers edge after him. 

But it's to late to do anything he is gone over the edge as Rachel screams increase in pitch, I watch as she collapses to the ground, the moment her knees hit the ground she is clawing at her chest in pain from the death of her mate.

The only difference is unmarked mates don't feel the pain as bad as marked mates but it still hurts them in a way you don't want to experience. 

Rachel looks back at me I see her stand up letting her wolf take control as she begins to shift in her wolf. 

I don't hesitate anymore and start running I head back towards the forest following one of the paths up i have no clue where this one will take me but I don't care as I have an angry wolf on my ass.

As I get closer to the end of the path I hear loud growls breaking out and fighting ahead of me, it gets louder and once I get through the brush I see what is going on. 

Wolves are everywhere I have no clue who they are since they don't look like any from our pack but something is strange none of our warriors are here fighting them off the ones that were, are dead already. 

There is a rustling behind me I turn to look and see Rachels wolf emerge but she pauses and looks around seeing all the chaos unfolding before us.

Taking her hesitation as a chance to get away I take it, sprinting once again towards the paths I know the only thing that could get me to my safe place.

I go through the bushes and get on the path that will take me to the cafe, as I start heading down the path I get knocked to the ground by Rachels wolf and she pins me down as I struggle against the animal on top of me. 

Before I can break free I feel the weight being pushed off me by another force I look up at another wolf who is on top of Rachel trashing against her. 

The mysterious wolf breaks Rachels neck in on swift move and for a split second everything slows down as I raise my body up off the ground.

The wolf who was on top of Rachel looks my way I freeze but something in their eyes makes me feel safe like they won't harm me and before I can even think I say something that surprises me.

"Umm, Thank you." I just I'm not the only one who surprises myself since the wolf looks taken aback but she gives me a quick nod and heads off in the opposite direction. 

That's when I feel a presence behind me, I turn my head to look behind me and there behind me is a huge wolf towering over me looking straight into my eyes.

Then his scent fills my senses, cinnamon and spice a strange combination for a wolf that looks like he is about to murder everything in sight. 

From the size of the wolf it's definitely a male but I have never seen a wolf that big before he is huge but besides the intimidating presence he gives off now that I look at him more he is a beautiful creature. 

His fur is a dark charcoal gray there is a white marking on his right shoulder, I can't quite make out what it is but I'm pulled back to his eyes.

His eyes are a yellowish green, the yellow is a light lemonade color towards the inner circle of the iris and the outer ring is more of a forest green with it fading into the yellow. 

He moves his head closer to me nuzzling into my cheek taking in a few deep breathes before stepping back a bit and looking at me with a puzzled but excited expression in his eyes. 

I hear a voice but it doesn't come from someone's mouth it comes from inside my head its a deeper voice from a male I don't recognize. 

But the word he says is what makes everything click in my head and why his smell is so intoxicated.  

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