One Tragic Night

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"Thanks Elder Faye... well I got to get going I have the packhouse to clean today." I give Elder Faye a hug before waving goodbye and leaving as fast as I could so I wasn't questioned any further.

I know I shouldn't lie to her but I don't want her worrying over me, she is the only person I have right now, my older siblings are gone, off to war somewhere in foreign land all because Alpha Wyatt disrespected the Alpha of Kull.

I don't know much about that pack or the war but I do know we are losing more pack members everyday, I see the dead bodies, some in pieces others in covered in gashes, blood, and guts. That pack is gruesome I just hope I don't see my siblings.

walking through a secret path I have made throughout the years so I don't run into any pack members, Goddess knows Alpha Wyatt ordered anyone and everyone to torment me any time they saw me.

The only time the pack left me alone was when I am working at the café, Elder Faye didn't let a single wolf treat me bad when I'm there. She maybe the oldest member but she isn't weak, I've seen her throw a few of the misbehaving wolves down for over stepping.

She is someone I hope to become one day, even if I don't want to hold on for much longer she gives me hope when I have none left. 

I see the pack house as I near towards the end of the path, I wait in a nearby bush for the warriors in training to leave with Gamma Elias, he is known as the most ruthless, probably more then Alpha Wyatt sometimes.

His family the Withers took over the Gamma rank when I was 16, most of the younger wolves don't know this since Alpha Wyatt forbid it being taught in school but my family was the original Gammas of the pack.

My father he was a respected Gamma throughout the pack and the former Alphas third in command, my mother was the former Lunas best friend the Gammas job was to train the warriors to prepare for war, patrolling the territory, guard the pack house, Luna's main bodyguard or chooses the best to guard her.

My mother was the Luna's bodyguard, she maybe a female but Gammas are the best fighters in the pack other then the Alpha and Beta. 

But our lives as Gammas were destroyed one tragic night starting with my fathers betrayal, former Alpha and Beta were away on business and my father Elijah Foster was left in charge, my mom was home with me baking when all of a sudden she collapses.

My mother screamed out in agony clawing at her chest as if trying to rip the pain out that was spreading through her body,  I ran to her side not sure what was happening until I saw it her mate mark was burning hot and on her chest above her heart was forming a mark you never want to see. 

A full moon splitting in half with four claw marks going down the middle a scar permanently etched into her very soul and skin, I look at her mate mark and notice it's turning black, that's when I understood what my father had done.

Hugging my mother trying to help ease the pain radiating through her body, mind and soul. This continues for 20 minutes even after it stopped, my mother just clung to me sobbing almost howling from the pain and betrayal of her mate.

I got my mother to her bed she seemed so distant almost void of all emotion, I covered her and left the room to clean up the kitchen before heading to bed, that was my first mistake leaving her alone.

My second mistake was going to bed, that same night I had lost my mother, she couldn't handle the betrayal or the humiliation she would feel and she took her life in a way it would hurt my father just the same.

She wandered to the edge of the territory, no warrior on patrol that night stopped her since she was a Gamma it was their job to patrol as well but that night she left territory wandering deeper into the foster until a rogue found her.

From what they could make out that night she knelt in front of the rogue lifting her head towards the sky to show her neck basically begging the rogue to kill her, and it did, from what I also heard my father felt every bit of pain shredding through his body.

He ended up in the packs healers office late that night on the verge of death himself, but some how he survived, it took him a month to get back on his feet but once he could the former Alpha had another bloodline of Gammas challenge my father and he lost.

From that point on my father, siblings and I were nothing. Omegas were higher then us, and out of everyone in my family I was the one tortured the most all because I turned out to be Alpha Wyatts fated mate and he didn't like that he wanted Emily Wither instead.

Emily Wither is apart of the Gammas, Gamma Elias is her older adoptive brother he took over the title as Gamma when Alpha Wyatt took over, but Emily isn't an actual Gamma she was taken in by the Withers when her mom was executed for sleeping with my father that night.

She hates being reminded she was once nothing before the Withers and I crossed a line yesterday talking about her biological mom, but she is the reason I am here.

My life is a living hell of fear and pain because of her mother and now I'm living in a constant hell dealing with Emily's antics everyday.

Hearing the pack house door open and out comes the warriors, they rush out as fast as they can with Gamma Elias right behind them yelling for them to move their asses. I wait until it's clear before I make my way to the front door.

Character descriptions:

Frida Foster  Age:37(deceased)  birthday: 11/13  hair: auburn  eyes: light blue  features: freckles  height: 5'5" weight: 123  skin: Ivory  scars: over mate mark   body type: hourglass with a mild muscle build 

Independent, joyful, caring, sweet, smart, protective, loyal, loving

Pack: Silver Moon  Position: Female Gamma  Mate: Elijah Foster  Wolf: Lily

Elijah Foster  age:46  birthday:04/05  hair: dark brown  eyes: amber brown  features: deep scar on right side of face  height: 5'11"  weight:200  skin: fair beige  scars: over heart and mate mark body type: slight beer belly with a dad bod figure 

Arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed, power hungry, abusive mentally and physically( after mate died)

Eli Foster  age:25  birthday: 12/20  hair: brown  eyes: amber  features: dimples  height: 5'10"  weight: 190   skin: light beige  twin- Freya Foster  body type: natural muscle build with a rectangle figure 

determined, loyal, brave, strong-willed, loving personality 

Pack: Silver Moon  position: warrior  Mate: N/A  Wolf: Loki

Freya Foster  age: 25  birthday: 12/20  hair: dark brown  eyes: light amber  features: dimples  height: 5'7"  weight:130  skin: fair beige  twin- Eli Foster  body type: hourglass figure with a modest muscle build  

Brave, loyal, smart, strategic, compassionate

Pack: Silver Moon  position: Warrior  Mate: N/A  wolf: Penny 

Elias Wither  age:24  birthday: 07/16  hair: blonde  eyes: deep blue  features: scar over left eye  height: 5'11"  weight: 210  skin: Light chestnut  body type: Inverted triangle figure with a muscular build and broad shoulders

Kind of a dickhead, hard headed, ruthless, quiet,

Pack: Silver Moon position: Gamma  Mate: N/A  wolf: Jax

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