What Does He Want With Me

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Once I hear that voice say that I couldn't help but repeat the word back to him but in a small voice almost a whisper I say it.


No it can't be, how could this be it shouldn't have happened but here he stands before me... my second chance mate.

What will he think of me once he finds out I have no wolf, what if he also wants to reject me can I live through another rejection with the embarrassment of the last one I don't think I can take any more mocking about how no one wants me.

I need to get out of here I can't do this right now I need to get to Elder Faye she will know what to do or how to handle this.

Before the wolf reacts to the mate bond anymore I get up and take off down the familiar trail I had made these past couple of years.

feeling my hair whipping in the wind as I rush through the bends and curves of the trail then I take a sudden left no stopping even as I slide a little but once I regain my footing I know I'll be okay.

I see the end of the trail and once I approach it I push through the bushes in my way and make my way into the cafe hoping Elder Faye is still here.

Opening the door I rush in and slam it behind me but before I can breath a sigh of relief I'm looking around for Elder Faye but I don't have to look long as she comes barreling out of the kitchen with once of her big kitchen knives.

She pauses at the sight of me but then rushes over to me pulling me into a hug before letting me go and looking over me.

"Oh thank the Goddess you are safe! After you had left Emily through a tantrum and sent out a link for your head and don't even get me started on Alpha Wyatt, that useless man sat there shocked at your reaction for a good 20 minutes before I told him that he should probably stop the pack from killing you."

 "Elder Faye."

"You should have seen the look on his face when he realized what Emily had done oh boy was he pissed then."

"Elder Faye!" I say with more worry in my voice this time she catches on to the sudden change and looks me in the eyes.

"Oh dear what happen? You look like your about to throw up do you need a glass of water or something to eat?"

"No we don't have time for that Elder Faye the pack it's...it's under attack and there are wolves everywhere yet I don't understand how our guards didn't see any of them approaching."

"Hmm, well dear they can't hurt us here these are sacred grounds and blood being shed here would only mean bad news for the killer. So you don't have to worry about them coming here and harming you."

"That's not why I am worried. Elder Faye I-I don't even know what to say but I found my mate."

"Well I already know that dear but when you mean you found him do you mean Alpha Wyatt is dead?"

"No not him Elder Faye I'm talking about a new wolf."

"New wolf? Wait are you saying you were given a second chance mate and he found you and you ran away to here because you don't know how to feel I'm assuming." 

"Well, yes and no. Elder Faye what does this mean? Why did the Goddess give me a second chance, won't I only be hurt again in the end."

Before Elder Faye can answer me I hear the cafe door open and close, both Elder Faye and me turn to see who it is and it's someone I have never seen before but his scent tells me who he is right away.

Elder Faye puts herself in front of me like a mother defending her pup but instead of her wolf taking over she has a large knife she isn't afraid to use. 

"Who are you and what do you want?" Elder Faye says sternly.

The male before us glances at Elder Faye before focusing his full attention back on me.

"I mean no harm to either of you."

"Then why are you here?" 

"Elder Faye that's the wolf I was talking about."

Elder Faye looks over at me shocked then back at him before clearing her throat and speaking.

"Well this is a turn of events. My other question I must ask is why are you here and I don't mean here right now I mean what is an Alpha doing prancing around our pack lands unless you were the one to call on this attack." She has an accusatory tone in her voice with a stone cold face and eyes void of any emotion.

Wait did she just say Alpha, like an Alpha of a  pack what are the odds I get bonded to another one after the first one rejected me for being a weak human.

"Yes I am here because I am the one who called upon this attack. My name is Brandon Lupin and I'm the Alpha of Kull pack, you may have not heard of us since we aren't from this country but I assure you we aren't here to kill you or any innocent wolf in this mess of a situation we are simply dealing with an arrogant asshole you guys call Alpha."

"He is no Alpha of mine and I believe I can say the same for this young lady too." Elder Faye seems to relax after finding out his intentions.

"Now what brings you here to my cafe?"

He seems to be lost in thought before he looks at me.

"Her, I am here because of her." He looks back at Elder Faye waiting for a response of a reaction to this news.

"So it is true. From what she has told me you are her second chance mate but just because you are mates does not tell me why you are here."

"To be honest Elder I have no clue why I am here either, I have a war going on out there and my pack is left with no leader to guide them because I am here."

Elder Faye seems lost in her thoughts with what he said but soon comes back to us and focuses back on him.

"Alpha I mean no disrespect with what I'm about to ask you but it needs to be addressed sooner then later." she pauses before continuing.

"Do you want her?"

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