A Need For Her

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Mystery P.O.V.

Looking over the pack land from my balcony, I inhale the fresh air around me letting my senses take in everything around me knowing I wont be able to focus on this to much longer, my mind has been busy with more intriguing thoughts.

Well more like vivid dreams that felt so real I could be living in them right now, but every time I'd try to get close I'd wake up from that sweet sweet addiction, it has been driving me crazy lately, being kept up at night with these tempting dreams.

It has started to affect me through the day now, I have to really dive deep into my work or when I'm training with the pack, but there she is every time.

Always on my mind, she radiates power drawing me into her, I have no clue who this girl that haunts my dreams is, her back is turned to me as she hums a song I recognize from somewhere but I can't quite place it just yet. 

In every dream she is more mesmerizing then the last, like a siren, so enticing yet so frail looking I can't help but want to protect her from any harm towards her, she is someone I'd burn this whole world for just to find her. 

I wonder who she is or if I will ever know her, I have a feeling she is somewhere out there but I can't reach her just yet.

A knock on my door pulls me from my thoughts, I make my way back inside my office pulling the balcony doors shut before mind-linking my Beta to enter, the door opens as I settle down into my seat.

"Alpha I have news from Gamma Ryker!" My Beta says urgently.

"What is it Tyrion?" Depending on what he says next will determine my mood for the rest of the day. I already wasn't to happy with everything going on with the war we are currently in.

"Ryker and our pack warriors have defeated the enemy taking most of the enemies lives sparing little few, we did lose a few of our wolves but most are just injured. They will heal up just find though." Tyrion says proud of our victory.

"Perfect! Does the enemy know that they have lost yet?" 

"No, we were able to ambush them at night taking out all their communication before any of them could warn their Alpha about the attack coming."

I smirk before lifting myself up from my seat heading out my office going towards my room as Tyrion follows me, I couldn't help feeling excited this is the first real battle we have been in, in a while and now that we know how weak they truly are I'm going straight to their territory.

"Tyrion let Ryker know we will be taking the warriors and going to foreign territory to finish this fight once and for all." 

"Yes Alpha!" My Beta rushes off quick to get everything prepared for departure.

Entering my room heading towards the bathroom to shower before we leave, I take a quick shower since I couldn't wait to be on the battle field again it feels so good to let loose every once in awhile.

Walking out of the bathroom after drying off not caring if I'm naked it's my room not like anyone would dare to enter my space without my permission, I go to my closet walking into it before grabbing some comfortable clothes and putting them on.  

Knowing full well I will probably ruin this set either way which tends to happen with Vassago more often since he is impatient, even he was getting excited about shedding some blood, that idiotic Alpha doesn't know what he started when he decided to try and make a fool out of me.

Alpha Wyatt of Silver Moon pack. To be honest I wasn't really gonna do anything about his dumb remarks but when he sent his worthless mutts to my territory to try and give us a warning of how 'tough' his little pack was that pissed me off.

Soon though I will take his land, his title, his females anything and everything he owns will be mine after I'm through with him and he can't stop it since by then he will be dead.

I finish putting on my shirt grabbing extra clothes throwing them in one of my smaller travel bags before leaving my room heading towards the pack house front door, why did my father have to make the Alphas room on the third floor.

So many damn stairs, honestly who wants to walk up these many steps just to get to their room. I finally make it to the bottom walking to the door as it opens revealing my Beta.

"We are ready Alpha."

"Good, now lets get this done and over with."

"Yes Alpha."

We both make our way to the SUV, Tyrion taking the drivers seat as I sit in the back settling into the seat before taking out the file on Silver Moon pack.

I am reviewing all the pack members seeing which ones would do us good if they don't end up dead after this fight is over, I am flipping through the file then one catches my eye. 

This one doesn't have an updated photo of her, it says she is 23 but the photo is of a kid why would they have her as the only one not updated, she wasn't dead the report on her would have said so.

Hmmm Harmony Foster, she is a Gammas daughter but from my knowledge she isn't related to the Withers, and they are the packs Gammas right now. Why does this pack have to be so confusing, can't even get a good report on a female, Goddess they are hopeless.

But something about that girl peaks an interest in me, something about her stirs my wolf in my head I don't know what it is exactly but something about her pulls me in. I'm not sure if its her icy blue eyes so full of life or the fact she holds a mysterious aura to her photo but there is something there. 

"Tyrion why is there little info on this Harmony Foster girl?" Tyrion looks at me through the rearview mirror 

"Honestly sir I have no clue but from what some of our spies have said she is the packs lowest member right now and she is treated pretty poorly yet they haven't found out any specific reason why."

"I guess we will just have to find out once we are there." I stare at the little girl in the photo wondering what she could have done to go from a Gamma to being treated worse then an Omega. 

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