1 First Day

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A/N: Hey guys this is my first ever story please don't judge as the only stories I've ever written were for English class and not fanfic. I will try to keep the emergencies and stuff in between the emergencies as close to what happens in the show as possible but I am unable to just rewatch the episodes as I write so I am going off of what the 9-1-1 wiki says. If there is anything that has to be changed (like grammar etc.) please let me know.
P.S. the picture above is Alexandra


"Ughh" The figure in the bed groaned as she slammed her hand on the alarm clock next to her bed. She rolled over and faced her ceiling she was not ready for today. Slowly she rolled out of bed and walked to the room next door to find her sister Valeria sleeping peacefully.

Hmm how to wake her she thought but as she thought about it there was really only one answer. She slowly began picking up speed as she walked to her sisters bed and then launched herself on top of her sister.

"Ahhh" Valeria screamed as she shoved Alexandra off the bed. "What do you want Alex my alarm isn't supposed to go off for another 5 minutes let me sleep" Val said her voice quiet from disuse.

Her sister Valeria "Val" Jackson and her were twins. Both with red hair and both of them had that snarky attitude that everyone hated but that is what made them uniquely them. At a glance they might look the same but it if you look close enough there are some small details that make them totally different like Val's hair is fuller and a little lighter meanwhile Alex had a darker red color and thinner hair. Also Val's eyes are more blue than green while Alex's eyes are more greenish.

"Aren't you excited Val it is our first day as firefighter/paramedics today aren't you nervous" Alex rambled.

Oh did she forget to mention that Val is also starting her new job today as a firefighter paramedic with the 133. Val was a also a child prodigy she didn't have as high of a IQ as Alex but that was okay because they both graduated when together when they were 8 anyway so it didn't really bother her. Being a firefighter/paramedic is their third job first they chose to be a doctor but then decided that they wanted a little more action in there life and working 2 jobs didn't seem that big a deal to them so they passed the police academy with flying colors. At 24 the 2 decided they could use both their skills from the medical field and police field and applied for the fire academy and that is how they ended up where they are now.

"Sure I'm a little nervous but I heard that firefighters are very friendly so maybe it wont be that bad" Val said still half asleep.

"Yeah, yeah hopefully" Alex muttered while taking a deep breath. Hoping to calm her anxiety, days like today always made her nervous.

"Stop being a worrier" Val said even though Alex knew that Val was probably anxious too. She was just always better at hiding that sort of stuff. "Go let me get ready can't be late on our first day can we."

"Yeah, yup yup can't do that" Alex said as she walked out of the room and back to her bedroom. When she got there she quickly got out of her pajamas and grabbed her LAFD T-Shirt and Nomex pants and put them on tucking the shirt into the pants. She sat at her desk and quickly pulled her hair back into two French braids. she grabbed all her papers and a book shoving them into her backpack with her extra outfit. She popped her shoes on and headed downstairs to make a smoothie for breakfast. Where she found Val sitting there with a bagel in hand staring outside.

Knowing when Val zoned out like that she should just leave her alone because she might be answering some crazy math problem or something in her head. Alex quickly shuffled around the kitchen grabbing everything she might need for her smoothie and threw it in the blender. She poured the smoothie in a to go cup and went to go sit outside with her thoughts.

After 10 minutes of a silent breakfast she realized she was going to be late if she didn't leave soon she went back inside to find Val slinging her bag over her shoulder "C'mon sis we are going to be late."

"No duh" Alex said grabbing her backpack and her keys.

Together they walked downstairs to the parking garage in their building where they said there goodbyes. "Good luck goofball" Alex said.

"Bye dork" Val said heading towards her car.

Alex jumped into her Jeep throwing her backpack in the passengers seat and started the engine. Pulling out of the garage and onto the road to work.


As Alex sat outside in her car she was wondering if she was even making the right choice. Faking her death wouldn't be that hard right? No, no backing out know just get it over with. She took a deep breath and got out of her car and walked inside.

A/N sorry this is kind of short didn't want to like throw too much into the first chapter but I really hoped you liked it. Next chapter she meets the team YAY! Also the picture below is Val .

 Next chapter she meets the team YAY! Also the picture below is Val

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Fire with Fire // 9-1-1-Evan "Buck" BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now