17. Somethin' Bad

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"So first I thought we'd grab something to eat. That alright with you, Alex?" Erin asks from the backseat, causing Alex's stomach to growl. "Alrightie then, what do you wanna eat?"

"Hmmm..." She looks around, probably searching for a restaurant that which looks appetizing to her. Alex always does this, she's so indecisive. But it's her birthday, I'll be patient this time. "How about...well maybe...do I want Chicken E, Waffle House, or Pizza Hut? Erin, please decide for me so I can decide."

"Fine. Pizza." Erin tells her. She acts a lot like a mother, I wonder if she's always like this?

"Chicken. Can we go to Chicken express?" She asks. Wow, it took me three weeks to learn how to do that. I'll bet she said pizza because she doesn't want it.

I snigger, yet answer politely, "'Course, sugar." Before taking a left turn toward Chicken Express.


Upon arriving at the restaurant, I open the door for both girls before going in. "Go on, order whatever. Alex, you know what I want." I tell them before handing them three twenties. "It's all on me."

Alex smiles at me before walking away. Just as my cell phone starts ringing, I hear Erin say something to Alex. "I don't care that I don't get hungry, or even if it won't taste as good, I. Want. Chicken."

Chuckling, I put my phone to my ear. "Cas."

"Dean. Where are you."

"Chicken Express off Cypress Street. Why?" I don't receive my answer over the phone, seeing as Castiel hung up.

Hearing wings flapping, I turn around to find Cas right behind me. "Cas, get outta my ass!"

"I'm not - never mind, that's not the issue." Castiel gestures to Gabriel, who apparently flew in with him, before continuing. "Gabriel has some new information about Erin which may be of import."

"May be? Excuse me? It is of extreme import." Gabe scoffs at Cas.

"Fine, fine whatever. But not right now, it's Alex's birthday. You're welcome to join us for dinner, I'm sure she'd appreciate it." I gesture to a nearby booth table.

Castiel insists. "Dean, I'm afraid it c-"

Gabriel interrupts. "Cassy, come on. Let's join them for dinner, it can wait at least a little bit." Castiel reluctantly complies and scoots into the booth.

Just as Gabriel is sitting down beside him, and as I'm pulling up a chair, Alex and Erin come back with an array of foods. Erin sits down first, allowing Alex the aisle seat, setting down the tray of food she was carrying. Alex starts pulling stuff out of bags, either setting them out on the table, or doling them out. "Cheese sticks for Erin, hot wings and apple pie for Dean, corn on the cob for me, chicken tenders and rolls for everyone, and cherry pie for Gabe." Reacting to Gabe's surprised face, Alex explains. "I saw you arrive as we were ordering, and Sam's told me how much you love 'just desserts'."

"Thanks," Gabriel expresses gratitude. "But no thanks. I'm not in the mood for it right now." I look closely at him, suspicious. Oddly enough, Erin also looks doubtful of him. Having taken the pie as he thanked Alex, he immediately offers it to the table. "Here, who wants it?"

"I'll take it." Erin volunteers, practically jumping at his hand, slightly brushing against it. She sets it down next to her sweet tea, presumably saving it for later.

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