Chapter Fifteen: Wing it like Witches

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For Boscha, nothing was more important than herself, winning, and Grudgby.

When she woke up this morning, Boscha wasted no time preparing for school. All that was left to do was her hair.

Boscha looked into her mirror with her hair down. On every wall of her bedroom were shelves filled with many trophies from her countless victories and wins. "You are talented. You are a star. You may be hated, but that's okay. So long as you are feared," she said to herself. She put her hair into the usual bun and stood up. Bosha then slipped on a varsity jacket before heading for the door.

Before leaving the room, the triclope stopped and looked at her calendar beside the doorway. "Most importantly, you are a winner," she said, smirking.

Boscha ripped off a page of her calendar before walking out the door. The whole month had been marked "Grudgby Season."

Skara had marked her calendar the same way. This month is the month he's been waiting for. The month of the year she's been training for. The moment she'll prove to her friends and family that she's had what it takes to be a winner, just like her mother and father.

"Are you ready for your little games?"

Skara yelped and turned around, only to see it was her great-grandmother, Alice. "Grandma Alice! Do you have to do that?"

"Lightning is unpredictable," she said with a sweet smile. Alice walked up to the young girl. "It seems like only yesterday that your mother and father wore that same uniform."

"Yeah, but I just wish they wouldn't be so strict with me," Skara said.

The truth was Willy and Kimberly didn't want any of their kids to join the sport. They say that Grubgby brought out the worst in people. Her girlfriend, Bo, didn't want her to join the team because of Boscha.

Skara wrote it off as them being protective, as she was part of a fugitive family. However, she would be naive to say that they weren't wrong. Despite how long they've been friends, Boscha was always a mean girl and a queen bee. Grudgby season, however, was when she was at her worst.

The girl shook her head and slapped her cheeks with a smile. "Alright, let's go win!" She exclaimed, turning around and running out of the room.

However, she ran back up and kissed her great-grandmother on the head.

"By grandma!" She then left the room again. "I'll pick you up a hairy pop!"

"Don't worry about me! I've already got one," Alice said, laughing and pulling out a giant lollipop with bits of hair on it. Then she shoved it in and started licking and sucking like crazy.

Skara smiled at her great-grandmother uncomfortably and slowly walked out of the room, descended the stairs, and ran into the kitchen.

"Bye, Mom and Dad!" She greeted her parents. Her mother, Kimberly, was wearing a suit and tie. Her father, Willy, was cleaning the dishes with an apron on.

With her backpack on, Skara kissed her little brother, Gray, on the head and ran out the door.

"Dinner's pizza!" Willy called out to her before the door closed. He sighed. "I hope that girl knows what she's getting herself into."

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