Oops 😬

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Percy's POV

"Are you two ready?" Apollo asked us.

This was going to be my first time having sex with Apollo and Luke my two boyfriends. I was super excited and slightly scared I have never had passionate sex. I wasn't a virgin tho smelly Gabe did unmentionable things to me while my mom was at work. They made sure to take it really easy with me.

All three of us were naked Luke and I were on the bed and Apollo stood in front of us he reached for Luke first to get me used to what was about to happen to me. Except Luke had a few kinks that I didn't have. Apollo tied him to the bed frame and then he pushed Luke's legs up to his head and tied them with is wrists. Apollo then got down on to the bed and started eating out Luke's hole. I watched this all with pleasure. Soft moans left Luke's mouth. I crawled over to him and started kissing him he bit my bottom lip asking to enter. Our tongues were wrestling with one another. When Apollo noticed us kissing he gave Luke a firm smack to the ass making him pull away and start uncontrollable moaning. Apollo reached a hand out to me I held his hand it he just pulled me towards him he gently pecked my lips and went back to Luke's hole. I nugged Apollo out of the way because I wanted to try and pleasure my boyfriend so I start licking around his hole then I slip the tip of my tongue in and he moans so loud it made a ringing sound.

Luckily I sound proofed the whole house.

Apollo picked me up and put me on his hips his shaft was at my hole. I could feel his pre-cum slowly oozing out. He slowly set me down his tip was now in me I started having flashbacks to Gabe but Apollo tilted my head up and made me forget about him. Luke was wiggling around wanting to join us Apollo took me off of him and sat me down on the bed he undid Luke's ropes and then picked me back up slowly putting me back to how I was with his tip bearly in me. Luke walked over and drew circles on my back while Apollo slowly sank me the rest of the way down till he was fully in me. Once they made sure I was ok Luke walked around to the backside of Apollo and slid his shaft in-between his thighs. He was holding his hips while Apollo cradled me he slowly made a rythem going really slow. Meanwhile Apollo's face was bright red his legs crossed and Luke's shaft was going hard in his thighs.

Then it happened Luke cumed on Apollo then Apollo Cumed in me which made me cum on to his chest.

He took me off of himself and Luke went to get a rag and pj's. When he came back Apollo got into pants and a tee while Luke cleaned me up I slipped on one of Apollo's tees and Luke only put on sweat pants. We cuddled together me in the middle of course.


We got up and turned on the news and saw what we caused. Apparently it was so good I started a hurricane and wiped out power to the 5 surrounding states.

Chiron was going to be after me.

Percy X Luke X Apollo ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now