Moonlit Secrets

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Under the cover of darkness, Percy led Apollo and Luke through the quiet camp, past the sleeping cabins and towards the beach. As the son of Poseidon, Percy knew this part of the beach was forbidden to anyone but him, but tonight he was determined to share its beauty with his lovers.

The sound of the waves crashing against the shore greeted them as they reached the beach. Percy glanced around, ensuring they were alone before turning to Apollo and Luke with a mischievous grin.

"Follow me," Percy whispered, leading them to the water's edge. 

With a wave of his hand, Percy created a shimmering air bubble around them, allowing them to breathe underwater.

Apollo and Luke looked around in awe as they stepped into the water, the moonlight casting a magical glow over the scene. Percy took their hands, leading them further into the sea until they were submerged up to their chests.

"Watch this," Percy said, a glint of excitement in his eyes. 

He raised his arms, and a column of water rose up beside them, forming a spiral staircase that led into the depths below.Apollo and Luke exchanged a look of wonder before following Percy down the staircase. They emerged into a hidden underwater cavern, illuminated by bioluminescent plants that glowed softly in the darkness.

"This place is amazing," Apollo breathed, reaching out to touch one of the glowing plants.

"It's my secret spot," Percy admitted, a smile playing on his lips. "I come here when I need to clear my head."

They spent hours exploring the underwater cavern, swimming through narrow passages and marveling at the beauty around them. Eventually, they returned to the surface, the air bubble dissipating as they stepped back onto the beach.

As they dried off and dressed, Apollo and Luke couldn't stop thanking Percy for sharing his secret with them. They lay on the sand, watching the stars twinkle overhead, feeling grateful for the bond they shared and the love that bound them together.

Percy X Luke X Apollo ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now