What happened to Luke?

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"J-Jesus fucking christ Luke!~ don't-- huff~ don't kill meeee~" Percy yelped, whimpering at the pleasure the other male's bite sent through him.

While Percy bounced on Luke's cock, his right thigh being squeezed half to death by Apollo's hand Apollo was sucking Percy off as well.

"F-fuck~ ah~ a-ah!~ Luke Please!~" Percy's voice cracked as Luke bit down harder, starting to suck and draw blood while also starting to thrust into Percy. Apollo also not helping he was squeezing his thighs even harder and sucking even faster.

Luke’s timing perfectly in sync with Percy and Apollo as soft grunts and growls could be heard from Luke as he huffed.

Percy moaned loudly as Luke pulled him further down, pushing his cock deeper into Percy's hole.

"A-ah!~ r-right there! P-please!~" Percy whined when he was pushed further down, back arching slightly as Apollo released his dick, "Shit!~ h-haah~" Percy felt Apollo bite down on his inner thighs, yelping in a mix of pain and pleasure.

As Luke bottomed out once more he bit even harder into Percy's neck causing Luke and Percy to climax. Luke laid Percy on the bed letting him rest. Apollo raped his hands on Luke's hips and picked him up. Luke hugging the gods neck could feel Apollo's member at his hole.

"This is payback for not letting me have a go at Percy~. Apollo spoke lustfully into Luke's neck before biting down.

"Haaah~ I-i'm s-s-sorry." Luke couldn't handle Apollo and they both knew that.

Apollo gripped Luke's ass making it easier to find his hole. Gently sliding inside Luke, Apollo started making love bites everywhere possible on Luke.

Luke felt like he was going to pass out Apollo was far too large for him and he was barely even half way.

Apollo stopped for a moment to see if Luke was ok. He didn't look too well so Apollo took Luke off and set him down.

"Are you ok honey you don't look too well?" Apollo very worriedly spoke.

All Luke could do in return was moan he felt like his brian had left the room. Apollo stood up to go get a few rags and their PJ's.

After they were all cleaned up. Both Percy and Luke cuddled together as Apollo returned; he dropped whatever he was holding immediately running to Luke.

“Luke, are you ok why is there so much blood!” Apollo shouted running to pick up Luke.

When Apollo picked up Luke he wasn’t sure what was going on he didn’t know he was bleeding. All the shouting woke up Percy when he saw all the blood he crawled over to where they were sitting. He peeked his head over Apollo’s shoulder wondering if his boyfriend was ok.

"Luke are you alright darling!" Percy was shouting trying to wake up Luke while Apollo grabbed a medical bag.

Apollo gave Luke some nectar trying to help him. Percy was now crying. Luke woke up and looked around wondering what was going on.

"Luke are you alright? Do you know what happened?" Apollo was asking Luke a whole bunch of questions.

"Ummm... you were getting back at me for not letting you have a go at Percy then I don't remember anything." Luke tried to look away almost as if he thought he was in trouble.

Percy just hugged him while Apollo tried to find out what happened.

After an hour of chatting and looking they found nothing wrong. Apollo picked the two boys up and placed them in bed, (which now with Apollo's magic is clean), he tucked them both in before getting comfy. Luke was in the middle with Percy on his left and Apollo spooning him on his right.

Percy X Luke X Apollo ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now