Library of Desire

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The Princess Adremana sailed smoothly through the calm waters, her sails billowing in the gentle breeze. On board, Apollo, Percy, and Luke found themselves in Luke's chambers, a room that was a testament to his love for knowledge and comfort. The walls were lined with books from floor to ceiling, and in the center of the room, a large fold-out bed beckoned invitingly.Apollo, with his golden hair and sculpted physique, sat at the desk, perusing a tome on ancient myths. Percy, with his dark curls and scrany frame, lounged on a pile of cushions, lost in a book of trains. Luke, with his diry blonde hair and mischievous grin, stood by the bookshelves, running his fingers along the spines.

As the afternoon sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room, Apollo set aside his book and approached Percy. He knelt beside him, trailing his fingers along Percy's thigh, sending shivers down his spine.

Percy looked up, his eyes meeting Apollo's with a mix of desire and anticipation. Without a word, Apollo leaned in, capturing Percy's lips in a passionate kiss. Percy responded eagerly, his hands tangling in Apollo's hair as their kiss deepened.Meanwhile, Luke watched the scene unfold, his own desire growing with each passing moment. He joined them on the cushions, his hands roaming over their bodies, igniting a fire within them all.

With a silent understanding, they moved to the fold-out bed, their clothes slipping off their bodies as they embraced in a tangle of limbs and desire. Apollo took Percy, his movements slow and deliberate, eliciting moans of pleasure from Percy's lips. Luke watched, his own arousal evident as he joined them, his touch gentle yet firm.

Together, the three of them moved in perfect harmony, their bodies moving as one in a dance of passion and ecstasy. And as they reached the peak of pleasure, their cries of release echoed through the library, a testament to the depth of their love and desire for each other.As they lay entwined in the afterglow, the sun beginning to set outside, they knew that this moment was just the beginning of their journey together. In Luke's chambers, surrounded by books and love, they had found a home in each other's arms.

NOTE: I feel like Percy has random hyper fixations and at least half the time it's trains. 

Percy X Luke X Apollo ONESHOTS Where stories live. Discover now