Chapter 6

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1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
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{I recommend playing the rain audio link to kinda set the vibe :)}


After helping remove the remaining things in the car, I head back inside. Claudia is sitting at the dinning table, same spot she's sat in before while scrolling through her phone.

I walk up to Leo, asking him if he needs help and he looks at me in disbelief.

"Are you my Gio? No way you're offering to help me cook" he says dramatically, placing his hands on his heart.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and sigh. I don't like cooking, don't know how, tried to learn but it was a big no no for me. Leo on serval occasions has offered and tried to teach me but he's always so playful it stresses me out.

"Forget I ask" I tell him as I walk towards Claudia, who has now taken her attention off her phone and place it on me.

"How was work at the farm or ranch, whatever it is? She ask, gesturing for me to sit beside her which I gladly do.

"Work was good." I say to her. She nods her head and starts staring off to space. I decide to say more since my response was too short and she was probably expecting more.

"I did some more construction work on the barns. They're getting too old so I have to get a plan going to re-construction them" I tell her and she nods her head in amusement.

"What kind of animals do you guys have there?" she asks curiously.

"We have some horses, cattles, chickens, pigs and  sheep's."

"Oh wow! That's so cool" she says smiling brightly.

"You should head over there sometime. Check the area out" I hear Leo say as he walks over with our food.

"Wow that smells so nice. Just the smell is already making me full"  Claudia says, eyes not leaving the plate that has just been placed in front of her.

"Go ahead bunny, eat up" Leo says. Claudia nods her head eagerly, picking up her spoon to dig into the fried rice.

We all decide to eat in silence since we are tired and I swear Claudia has been giving me "fuck me" eyes the entire time. Maybe I'm just being delusional because I'm extremely horny right now and I so desperately want to shove my dick inside her.

The silence continues to fill in as we dine and all of a sudden it's raining. It always amuses me how it can rain during the summer.

As the rain pours I look at Leo who now has an anxious look on his face.


It's been 45 minutes and I'm still turning around my bed. While most people might find the rain calming and the best weather for sleeping, sadly I can't relate to that. I hate when it rains at night. I don't know what went wrong in my childhood but I've always found it hard to sleep at night when it rains. I just want to find it as peaceful as everyone else does but unfortunately I can't.

I get up to go get a book to help pass time when I hear a knock at my door. Immediately I know who it is and rush to go open it.

"Sorry, may I?" I look at Leo, already feeling bad for him and nodding my head.

Leo has had a traumatic past involving the rain. Just like me he finds it hard to sleep when it rains, Although our reasons are different, his being from a trauma and mind being from God knows where.

I move to the side, letting him in and shutting the door behind me. Immediately he climbs on my bed and gets under the covers. I can tell he's sleepy and has been trying to sleep but can't. He needs me.

"Don't say anything" I cut him off as he began to open his mouth. I move towards him,turning the lamp beside my bed so I can see his face when I look at him. He scouts over, patting the space next to him and I get under the covers, immediately pulling him towards me.

Leo likes to me held. Whenever it rains, he comes to my room so I can help him fall asleep. I don't know the entire details on what happened to him that unfortunate night to make him this way but I'm just glad I can help my best friend in a way.

Since I can't sleep when it rains, holding onto someone helps and Leo can't sleep during the rain without being held so it kinda works for us. Him needing me to hold him and him being here for me to hold him. In a way we're helping each other.

I bring him closer and look down at him. He's only 1 inch shorter than me but right now he looks so small. Im obviously bigger in body proportion but Leo is still a big guy. Seeing how small he manages to look in my arms warms my heart in a way.

I'm still looking at him, the dim light of my lamp highlighting his face and the tiny dots on it. His freckles, it's been a while since I've seen them. Probably because it's been so long since we've cuddled like this. I suddenly get the urge to trace the tiny dots on his face but mentally stop myself from trying anything.

"You still like my freckles?" Leo asks, opening his eyes and catching me off guard.

"I never understood why you wanted to get rid of them" I say to him, forgetting I had mentally told myself to not touch the freckles but I do anyway. I run my hands all over his face, moving it around to find as many hidden freckles as I could. His freckles were now light because he had been trying to get rid of them and what ever method he was using worked until I noticed and told him to stop.

"Okay you can stop now" Leo says in a tired voice and I can't help but stare at his lips

I place a gently kiss on a freckle on his nose and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"You haven't done that in a while" he says with a laugh and I shrug my shoulders. I can't explain what relationship I have with Leo. We've shared the same partners, were each other's first hand jobs, seen each other naked majority of our friendship and we're always together. We've been joked about marrying each other if we're still single in our forties.

I don't know if there's something there between us or this is just how our friendship is but I've never tried to explore. Neither has he. It's like we are both scared to try.

I continue to give light kisses on every freckle my eyes could see and he just lets me.

"I think I'm about to fall asleep again" Leo speaks up and I nod my head, slowly removing my hands from his back and placing it on his hair. I gently pat and play with it, knowing it's gonna help him relax more as he falls asleep.

"Same." I lie, knowing I won't be falling asleep anytime soon but he doesn't need to know.

I stay up almost all night watching him sleep in my arms. The rain has start to reduce and I do my very best not to move an inch in fear of waking him up.


No but fr Gio is such a good friend 😭

Anyways please don't forget to vote 🫶🏾

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