Busted Tire

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"The darkness crawled over the forest not another soul to be seen. A growing feeling of fear gnawing at their souls. A terrible intuition that vampires." Tony says as he is reading causing his parents to scoff while Alexis is sketching in her notebook.

"Tony!" Bob says as he is driving.

"I'm just reading." Tony says.

"Out loud." Alexis says as Tony looks at her and she smiles causing him to shake his head and smile slightly.

"Tony I couldn't ask for a better son." Bob says as Tony smiles.

"I couldn't ask for a better dad." Tony says.

"But right now you so need to zip it. Maybe try sketching with Alexis or reading a little more quietly." Bob says.

"So no more v word in this car. You don't want your mother's head to explode do you?" Dottie asks as she looks at Tony.

"I don't think so." Tony says as he and his mom look at the gps as it tells Bob where to go before Tony quickly looks out the window on his side of the car.

"Alexis, mom, dad! Vampires!" Tony says causing his father to swirve the car before getting it back under control.

"That's it Tony! I've had it!" Bob says angrily.

"Tony." Alexis says in annoyance as she looks at Tony.

"Look up there! See for yourself." Tony says as Bob looks out the window and sees nothing.

"Tony you know this vampire stuff is make believe right? Myths and stories. That's all." Bob says.

"Sure. If you say so." Tony says annoyedly as he sits back in the seat.

"We both say so." Dottie says as she and Bob look at Tony.

"Watch out!" Alexis says as she looks up and sees they're about to go off the road.

"Dad!" Tony shouts as the car goes off the edge and stops down below near a drop off in the woods before the group gets out of the car.

"Wow." Tony says as he looks around at the creepy looking forest.

"Wow is right." Alexis says as she goes over to stand by Tony as she looks around before the group hear a loud pop causing Dottie to jump as they then see a tire popped.

"Oh great." Bob says.


"Dad's always supporting you. You talked him into this creepy castle tour. You even convinced Alexis your best friend since seven years old to come and her aunt to let her come along. He said yes not me." Dottie says as she, Tony, and Alexis walk away from the car while Bob is trying to fix the tire.

"I know." Tony says annoyedly as he looks down.

"Your mom is right Tony. This is meant to be fun. I understand being really into something but Tony don't you think you took things a little too far?" Alexis asks as Tony looks at her.

"Maybe I would of said you're right until ten minutes ago. But now that I've seen-" Tony then gets cut off by Dottie.

"No buts! You're really starting to worry us." Dottie says as she places her hands on Tony's shoulders.

"Look!" Tony says pointing to some shadows coming towards them causing Dottie to protectively grab Alexis and Tony as Bob comes over before the group sees it is an elderly couple holding some lights.

"We heard over here some noise." The man says.

"We thought it were again the..." The woman says nervously.

"Vampires?" Tony asks as he whispers causing the woman to gasp before the man nudges her.

"Anyways we come to welcome you. You must be the family Thompson and guest Hathaway out of the USA." The man says as he and the woman shines the lights on the group.

"You missed the driveway." The woman says.

"I got distracted." Bob says.

"Come. We'll show you the way to the bed and breakfast." The man says as the group hesitantly gets in the car after Bob fixes it and goes with the couple.

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