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"You're freezing. We'll go to your room and find you dry clothes." Anna says as she notices Tony shivering as they're flying from having been in the ice cold lake.

"Not necessary. Anna hold onto Alexis for me." Rudolph says as Anna takes Alexis's hand before Rudolph spins Tony getting him dry.

"Oh man I'm dizzy!" Tony says as Rudolph grabs his hand again.

"But dry!" Rudolph says as he and the others hide upon seeing two men getting into a vehicle down below.

"There's that man from earlier." Alexis says as she growls slightly as Rookery and his sidekick Maney leave.

"Rookery. They're going after my brother and clan. We have to get to Transylvania before them." Rudolph says.

"Before sunrise." Anna says as she sees it is getting close to sunrise.

"We've stopped them before. We'll stop them again." Tony says as he looks at the others.

"Tony is right. We can't afford to fail now." Alexis says.

"Mom and dad." Tony says as he sees his parents through a window.

"What?" Rudolph asks as he looks at Tony.

"They'll be worried sick. But if they see me or Alexis now we're not going anywhere." Tony says as Alexis nods.

"Would it help if I convinced them you both need to go?" Anna asks as she flies to in front of Tony.

"You are very convincing." Tony says dreamily as Rudolph goes closer to him.

"Convince his parents not Tony! Anna please listen to me. For once in our lives don't argue. It's not just Tony's mom and dad we need to worry about. What about ours? They must know where we're going. They must know we're safe." Rudolph says as Anna turns away from him angrily.

"Okay. I'll take care of the parents. But next time big brother I get to be the hero." Anna says as she flies off before Alexis, Rudolph, and Tony leave.


"Someone's following us." Rudolph says as the group hide under a nearby bridge.

"A cow?" Alexis asks as they see it is a cow flying that is following them.

"It's your cow!" Tony says.

"What do you mean my cow?" Rudolph asks.

"You bite it you bought it." Tony says as Rudolph growls before the group fly over to the cow.

"Well come on then. Next stop Transylvania." Rudolph says as the group takes off flying with the cow following them.


"Look! We're flying faster than the cars. We'll beat Rookery to Transylvania by hours." Tony says as they're flying above some cars.

"Sunrise. We're not going to make it." Rudolph says seeing the sun it is getting close to sunrise.

"The sun is your problem not ours." Tony says as Rudolph looks at him.

"Over there. A graveyard." Alexis says pointing to a graveyard in the distance before Rudolph flies the group down to it.

"Great idea Alexis. You stay here Rudolph. Get some sleep. Alexis and I will keep going." Tony says as Rudolph opens a grave and sees a skeleton.

"Occupied. I failed my family." Rudolph says as he flies over to another grave by a tree.

"How long have you been thirteen?" Tony asks as he and Alexis go over to Rudolph.

"Three hundred years." Rudolph says as he looks down.

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