Final Fight

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"Alexis stay here. I'll be right back with Tony." Rudolph says as he puts Alexis down nearby on the ledge of a building where Tony is with Rookery and Maney at the entrance of the catacombs.

"What do you mean stay here? I can handle myself Rudolph." Alexis says as she shifts to wolf form.

"I know but I won't chance you getting hurt. Besides I'll fly easier and better in that situation with just Tony. So please stay put. If trouble arises then come to us. You'll be able to have surprise on your side if you do and they don't see you. So please stay put." Rudolph says as Alexis sighs.

"Fine but be careful." Alexis says as Rudolph nods.

"I'll be right back." Rudolph says as he flies off with the cow.

"Alright." Alexis says as she sits down.

"This is becoming a bit of a habit. You getting yourself into some horrible situation and then Alexis or myself come to your rescue." Rudolph says as he comes over with Tony and puts him down.

"Me? Well what about you?" Tony asks as Alexis comes over.

"Well that's what friends are for. We stick together no matter what. Now what is Rookery up to?" Alexis says as they see Rookery hand Maney the spanner.

"Help me open the net but not too wide. I don't want the bloodsuckers escaping again." Rookery says causing Rudolph to growl slightly.

"A bomb?" Alexis says as they listen to Rookery and Maney.

"They're going to bomb the catacombs!" Rudolph says worriedly as he begins to fly.

"Hey! Aren't you forgetting something?" Tony asks as Rudolph looks at him while the cow nudges Tony and Alexis.

"You stay here." Rudolph says as he takes Tony's hand.

"Can't you put a spell on them like Anna did?" Tony asks.

"No that's a girl thing." Rudolph asks.

"It's a vampire thing. Try it." Tony says as Alexis looks at Rudolph.

"Just give it a shot Rudolph. What other options do we have? If anything see if you can distract them and I'll see if I can't find a way to disarm the bomb." Alexis says as she stays hidden while following the boys over to Rookery and Maney before Rudolph and tony are unable to stop Rookery causing the group to take cover behind some tombs with Rudolph and Tony having a stake gun pointing at them. Alexis then growls seeing this and begins to walk towards Rookery growling viciously.

"Ah the wolf mutt from before. You best call of your hound boy or she'll get a stake as well." Rookery says as he aims the gun at Alexis while she is lowering her head and bearing her fangs aggressively.

"Don't hurt her please." Rudolph says before Alexis growls and lunges at Rookery only for him to shoot a stake at her and cut her arm deeply causing her to fall to the ground with a yelp.

"Alexis!" Tony shouts as he and Rudolph go over to Alexis and she shifts to human form gripping her arm from the cut.

"A wolf shifter? Well if she wants to place her life down a vampire and a human traitor then so be it." Rookery says as Rudolph growls at him.

Two Species One Heart The Little Vampire Rudolph X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now