Next Morning

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"Tony why on earth did you drag me in here? I wanted to sleep." Alexis says tiredly as she follows Tony into his room.

"Sorry. Mom said to get you up anyway. Did you not sleep well?" Tony asks.

"What can I say? I'm a night owl." Alexis says.

"Good morning." A voice says causing Alexis to jump and nearly scream before seeing Rudolph floating in front of her smiling.

"Give me a heart attack why don't you?" Alexis says angrily.

"I thought you said you didn't scare easily?" Rudolph asks as he smirks.

"I don't but any person who's half asleep after being rudely awoken would jump out of their skin if someone scares them like that." Alexis says annoyedly.

"I thought you were asleep Rudolph?" Tony asks as Rudolph looks at him.

"No you're a very noisy mortal." Rudolph says annoyedly as he gets back into the dresser and closes the doors.

"Sorry." Tony says.

"No I couldn't sleep anyway. I'm hungry. What are you doing? Did you just locked me in?" Rudolph says as Tony locks the door with a key.

"It's for your own good. It's sunny out." tony says.

"Liar. It's yours and your friend's necks your worried about." Rudolph says annoyedly.

"Tony why don't you go on down. I'm not really hungry so I'll stay with him." Alexis says as tony looks at her.

"You sure?" Tony asks as Alexis nods.

"Yeah. I'll get something to eat later." Alexis says as tony nods before leaving as Alexis watches the dresser moving while Rudolph is trying to get out causing her to roll her eyes.

"You're not going to get out of there anytime soon unless you can phase through a solid object." Alexis says as the dresser stops moving.

"I can try. So why did you decide to stay? Afraid I'll hurt your friend?" Rudolph asks.

"I stayed because I'm not hungry like I said. Besides I won't let you hurt Tony. I'd protect him with my life. He's my best friend." Alexis says as she sits beside the dresser in the floor.

"A mortal girl? Fight a vampire? That I gotta see." Rudolph says as he scoffs causing Alexis to give an annoyed look.

"You don't know me as well as you might think. Try looking past someone's exterior before judging them and you might find something you'll like." Alexis says.

"Please. You're still a human to me. Even if your scent was of wolf. Why was that anyways?" Rudolph asks curiously.

"That would be my business. Besides Tony is my only friend and I'll protect him no matter what." Alexis says.

"Brave for a girl mortal. I'll give you that." Rudolph says.

"As I said there's more to me than meets the eye." Alexis says.

"But why is he your only friend? Wouldn't you have more friends back home." Rudolph says.

"No. The others didn't exactly treat me right but when I met Tony he showed me that not all people could be so cold hearted. Ever since he defended me that day from a bully at our school I promised myself to protect him." Alexis says as she looks down.

"That's horrible." Rudolph says.

"Yeah well what's done in the past is done. So long as Tony is part of my pack I will protect him." Alexis says.

"Pack?" Rudolph asks as Alexis realizes what she said.

"Uh figurative speech that my aunt would always use. Nothing more." Alexis says.

"If you say so." Rudolph says

"Why are you so interested in me anyway?" Alexis asks.

"Maybe it's just because I've never met another girl besides my sister that's around my age. Especially one that acts so brave as to stand against a vampire. I admire that. You're brave." Rudolph says causing Alexis to blush slightly as Tony comes in with a roll of foil before closing the curtains.

"Rudolph?" Tony asks as he goes over to the dresser.

"Who did you expect count Dracula?" Rudolph asks as Alexis laughs slightly.

"I'm gonna let you out now. Breakfast is served." Tony says as he stands on the dresser while Alexis goes over and sits on the bed.

"It's still morning. I can tell. Do you and your pretty friend want sun fried vampire on the menu?" Rudolph says in annoyance.

"He's right Tony. He can't get out right now. Whether he wants out or not." Alexis says before tony unlocks the dresser causing Rudolph to push the doors open and Tony to fall back onto the floor before sitting up as Rudolph sits up.

"Trust me." Tony says as he picks up the large roll of foil.

"I never thought I'd say this to a mortal but I do trust you. I trust you both. Even if not both of you trust me yet." Rudolph says.

"I don't exactly trust you but I know you're not going to hurt either of us. So you at the least have the benefit of the doubt. But seriously Tony what are you going to do?" Alexis asks as she looks at Tony while he is holding a large roll of foil.

"You'll see." tony says.


"Straight. A little bit to the left. Careful." Tony says as he and Alexis are walking while he is trying to steer Rudolph in the right direction as Rudolph is completely wrapped in foil.

"Oof!" Alexis says Rudolph walks into her.

"Sorry. Little hard to see." Rudolph says as he takes a couple steps back.

"Okay we're doing this a little differently." Alexis says as she grabs Rudolph by the shoulders and begins leading him before the three stop as Tony's parents come up to them.

"What is this?" Dottie asks.

"We're playing with our new friend Rudolph. Uh he lives next door." Tony says.

"There is no next door." Bob says.

"Right over there." Tony says as he points in two different directions.

"We were all three gonna be astronauts but we ran out of foil Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Which is why he is covered in foil." Alexis says as she places her hand on Rudolph's shoulder.

"We're moon walking. Get it?" Tony asks as he moon walks a bit.

"Good one. Funny." Bob says as he smiles.

"I'm happy you both found someone to play with." Dottie says as she smiles.

"You're only young once. Right Rudolph?" Tony asks as Rudolph nods.

"Hey let's make some eye holes so you can at least see." Bob says as he goes to go near Rudolph.

"That's okay Mr. Thompson. We wanted it to be as realistic as possible and there's no air in space so no need for any holes. We're leading him so it's fine. Come on guys let's um finish playing our game." Alexis says as she begins gently pushing Rudolph and Tony follows.


"Hamburgers on the hoof. You'll love it. One second. Just ignore the smell... and the flies." Tony says as the group arrives in the barn where the cows are.

"Easier said than done." Alexis says as she covers her nose at the smell.

"I don't think I can do this." Rudolph says as Tony and Alexis walk over to him.

"You promised. Alexis and I are off the menu." Tony says as he opens the foil so Rudolph can see before he floats over to the cow and bites into it.

"Ugh. That's gross. How come you're not grossed out?" Tony asks as he looks away before looking at Alexis who seems unfazed at Rudolph feeding on the cow.

"I've seen worse. When your aunt runs an animal sanctuary you tend to get used to seeing such things." Alexis says.

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