Bed And Breakfast

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"Your new home away from home." The woman says as the group arrives in the bed and breakfast.

"The castle." The man says as the group follows him and the woman.

"Alexis look at that. More garlic." Tony says as he gestures to the large amounts of garlic hanging on the walls.

"Well they must cook with it." Bob says as he looks at Tony.

"Yes Tony there are lots of different cultures in the world and a lot of them cook differently from what we do. It's a little strange but not quite out of the usual." Alexis says as Tony looks at her and his dad.

"Do you hang your dinner around your neck?" Tony asks as his dad shrugs his shoulders.

"Now up the stairs we go." The woman says.

"To the sleepy time rooms of the young man and woman." The man says.

"You do sleep yes?" The woman asks.

"For sure. Every night." Tony says as the group go up the stairs and stop at a door.

"Here you are miss." The woman says.

"Your room." The man says as Alexis goes inside.

"Thank you. Night Tony. Goodnight Mr. and Mrs. Thompson." Alexis says.

"Goodnight Alexis and don't forget to call you aunt in the morning to let her know how you're doing." Bob says as Alexis looks at him and nods.

"I won't." Alexis says as the others leave before she shuts the door. Alexis then locks the door before shifting to wolf form and jumping on the bed as she then falls asleep.


Not long after Alexis is asleep she soon wakes up hearing commotion and shifts to human form.

"What the? That sounds like Tony. I better go check on him." Alexis says as she gets up and goes out of her room before finding Tony's room and goes inside.

"Alexis!?" Tony asks in alarm as Alexis shuts the door to his room behind her.

"Tony are you alright? I thought I heard noise from your room." Alexis says as she walks over to Tony.

"Man I keep forgetting how good your hearing is for a human. It was uh just me. I fell out of the bed in my sleep. I'm okay." Tony says nervously as Alexis looks at him suspiciously.

"For a human? What's that supposed to mean? Tony are you feeling alright? You're acting strangely." Alexis says.

"Beautiful." A voice says causing Alexis to flinch at the unknown voice.

"Who's there!? Show yourself!" Alexis says.

"Alexis please don't freak out." Tony says as Alexis looks at him.

"Freak out over what?" Alexis asks.

"Me." A voice says revealing to be a blue skinned boy with red eyes as he floats down from the top of tony's bed.

"What the? Who are you? How did you get in here?" Alexis says as she steps in front of Tony protectively.

"Girlfriend or sister of yours?" The boy asks.

"What? No! I'm not his sister and I'm not his girlfriend." Alexis says offendedly.

"She's actually my best friend. We've been friends since seven years old. Alexis please don't say anything. Look he hasn't hurt me. I know you're protective over me but come on. Have I ever asked you to do anything?" Tony asks as Alexis looks at him.

"Yes." Alexis says as Tony rubs the back of his neck.

"Wrong choice of words but come on. Look he is just a kid like us. Don't give him away." Tony says as Alexis looks at him unsurely before at the vampire boy.

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