Friends Help Each Other

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"Is it dark?" Rudolph asks as the group arrive back in Tony's room.

"It could be midnight. Hold still. This could take a while." Tony says as he goes over to Rudolph.

"That's what you think." Rudolph says as he flies into the air and breaks free of the foil before dropping to the floor growling while showing his fangs.

"Is this what the blood did to you?" Alexis asks.

"Rudolph are you alright?" Tony asks.

"Tony get behind me. Now." Alexis says as she glares at Rudolph.

"Rudolph what's wrong with you?" Tony asks as he puts his arms up in defense before Alexis gets in front of him as Rudolph quickly comes over.

"You want to know what's wrong? I'll tell you. I'm being hunted. Not just me my entire family. My parents, my sister, my dear old auntie and uncle. They are hiding out there somewhere. But they could be dead for all I know. Killed by vampire hunters. Mortals." Rudolph says angrily as he jumps from place to place before stopping on top of Tony's bed.

"Stop it!" Tony shouts as Rudolph growls at him.

"My brother Gregory, the rest of my clan. They are trapped. Buried in a catacomb in Transylvania. Because of mortals! Like you!" Rudolph says as he tries to then bite Tony causing Alexis to angrily shove him off and into the dresser.

"That's enough!" Alexis says angrily.

"Neither of us are hunting you. You are being so uncool! If you and your family are in danger then let us help you." Tony says.

"What?" Alexis asks as she looks at Tony.

"You have no idea what my world is like. You can't help." Rudolph says as he looks down.

"I can. We've just gotta get past my parents." Tony says.

"But Tony my problems are nothing to do with you or Alexis." Rudolph says.

"That's such a stupid thing for a friend to say." Tony says as Rudolph looks at him in shock.

"Friend?" Rudolph asks curiously.

"Yeah friend. Now shut up and go to bed. We're gonna have a long night." Tony says.

"You mean you'll have a long night. I'm not going anywhere." Alexis says as both boys look at her.

"What? But Alexis-" Tony then gets cut off by Alexis.

"Don't but Alexis me Tony. He attacked you for Pete's sake. If this is how he acts when he drinks blood or is angry I don't want any part of it. Look Rudolph I feel for you I truly do but I just don't think you're safe for me or Tony to be around. Not after that display of anger. I gave him a chance and I was right to not trust him entirely." Alexis says as Rudolph looks at her with sorrow.

"Come on Alexis. Please? What happened to we stick together no matter what?" Tony asks.

"I'm sorry Tony. My mind is made up. I just don't see this as a smart idea. If you're smart you'll stay too. I'm sorry Rudolph but you're on your own with this." Alexis says as she leaves the room.

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