Shared Feelings

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Once back at the bed and breakfast Tony knocks on the door as the elderly couple open the door and see him and Alexis.

"Mr. Tony Thompson and miss Alexis Hathaway." The woman says.

"What are you two doing back here?" The man asks as Tony smiles.

"You're the bed and the bratwurst right?" Tony asks in a German accent.

"We are the bed." The woman says a she looks down.

"And the breakfast!" The man says.

"So cheer up." Alexis says.

"We brought you some guests." Tony says as he gestures to Rudolph who floats upside down while smiling between Alexis and Tony causing the couple to jump back.

"Hello." Rudolph says as he lands on his feet.

"The little.." The woman says worriedly.

"Vampire." The man says worriedly.

"And family." Rudolph says as vampires begin to land and go inside causing the couple to faint.

*Three Months Later Timeskip*

Time has passed since Alexis and her aunt moved to Germany with Tony and his parents. Alexis is later out at night in wolf form taking a walk.

"What a beautiful night. Makes me feel alive and wild on nights like this." Alexis says before she hears rustling in the trees and sees two male vampires lunge at her causing her to immediately jump out of the way.

"You're ours wolf!" An older looking vampire says as Alexis lowers her stance.

"That's what you think! I'm stronger than I look!" Alexis shouts as she growls at the two vampires causing them to hiss.

"You can't take us both at once." A younger looking vampire says.

"Maybe not but I'll sure try!" Alexis says as she lunges at the younger vampire and pins him to the ground growling viciously.

"Huh? Wait stop! Everybody stop!" The vampire underneath Alexis shouts as Alexis growls.

"What's the matter? Lose your nerve?" Alexis asks as she snaps.

"Quite the opposite.. Alexis." The vampire says as Alexis looks at him before getting off him.

"Huh? How do you know my name?" Alexis asks as she pins back her ears.

"Alexis?" The older vampire asks as Alexis shifts to human form and pulls back her hood to reveal her face while cautiously keeping an eye on both vampires.

"Alexis it's us. Rudolph and Gregory!" The younger vampire says as he stands up while the other goes over to him.

"Rudolph? Gregory?" Alexis asks as she recognizes the two as Rudolph and Gregory.

"You're back! I wasn't sure I would see you again!" Rudolph says as he flies over and hugs Alexis before pulling away.

"What is up with you two!? I didn't even recognize you! I could have killed one of you!" Alexis says angrily causing Gregory to chuckle.

"Sorry. We were hunting for our dinner and well you kind of walked into our sightlines at the wrong time." Gregory says.

"What are you doing here?" Rudolph asks happily.

"Taking my nightly walk." Alexis says as Rudolph gives an annoyed look.

"I mean why are you back here?" Rudolph asks.

"Well mine and Tony's families moved here about a week back. My aunt lives here though I don't live with her anymore. I left her to become a lone wolf. Kind of at that age and we're basically surrounded by woods so I figured it was time to be on my own as a young wolf. Far as Tony he actually is living not far from that bed and breakfast castle." Alexis says.

Two Species One Heart The Little Vampire Rudolph X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now