The First Glance

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"When we first met, I knew were strangers,

but internally I felt like I've known you for a hundred years."

Bible hurriedly approached his cousin, Perth, who is working at a production company as a Storyboard Artist. He came to pick him up so they can meet Perth's family who visited from Australia. When he arrived at the location, Bible noticed that people are panicking and looked like there was a commotion.

"Oh my, thank goodness you are here! Help us, please!" Perth said to Bible the moment he saw the latter approach.

"Why, what happened?" Bible

"It's Jeff, please Bible, help him. He fainted after finishing the last shoot."

Bible kneeled beside the unconscious guy and checked on him while they wait for the ambulance to arrive.

What a beautiful face, Bible thought to himself as he examined the guy. He knew it isn't the right time to admire the person in front of him but he can't help it, there is just something about this Jeff that is so familiar.

Have I met you before?
No, I'm sure this is the first time.

In a fleeting moment, Jeff opened his eyes and looked directly at Bible.

He smiled.
And closed his eyes again.

Bible almost choked. He felt tears threaten to come and he wasn't sure why.

Those eyes.
I've seen them before, but where and when?

"Bible...Bible!" Perth had been calling him.

Bible looked at Perth confused.

"Bro, hey, is he hurt? Did you find any wounds on his head?! What?" Asked Perth, who is now on the verge of panic.

"What-no, he doesn't have any. We need to bring him to the hospital! Perth, he is not in a good condition" Bible said.

The ambulance finally arrived.

"Bible, could you please go with them to the hospital? His manager will meet you there. I also need to take care of some things here."

"Okay, I'll call you when we get there" Bible bid his cousin goodbye.

At the hospital, Jeff was attended to by the doctor and admitted to a room in the private wing of the building. The doctor who checked him seemed to be the one who had been treating Jeff for whatever sickness he might have.

Bible stayed with Jeff in the room, watching the unconscious guy. He knew the latter had a heart attack, and it is not looking good.

"Bible? My, it is you! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me earlier when I saw you at the ER." Doc. Job is the one attending to Jeff.

"Hey, Doc. Job, it's been a while" -the two hugged like old friends that they were.

"How have you been? Wow, I rarely hear any news about you since you decided to move to Kanchanaburi. Man, you are one of the best Pediatric Cardiologists we had." Doc. Job

"I'm good, thank you. Put up my clinic in the province and at the same time managed the family business." Bible replied while his eyes were still glued on the patient on the bed.

"Do you know Jeff? He'd been a patient of ours, but he never mentioned you. He did about Perth, said they are close friends." Doc. Job asked wondering.

"Ah no, I was to pick Perth up at their shoot today. He works for the production company." Bible looked at Job

"How long does he have?"

Doc. Job stared at Bible, conflicted.

"Bro, I don't think it is something I can tell you. I am his attending physician for now because his doctor is doing surgery. You know, the Cardiology Director."

"Which means your Dad" Bible

"Right, right. He should be waking up any time now, are you staying here or...?"

Bible looked at Jeff and for some reason, he can't make himself leave the guy alone.

"Yeah, until Perth comes."

"Okay, I will be back, then. I still have other patients to look after. Bro, nice seeing you again. Say hi to your sister for me." Doc Job said smiling

"She already has a girlfriend, bro, move on"

They both laughed and said their goodbyes.

Perth called and asked Bible to stay a bit because Jeff's manager went to the latter house to get clothes. They also called Perth's parents to explain why they needed to reschedule their dinner.

A groan coming from the bed made Bible rush to its' side. The guy, Jeff, is waking up with light movements. Bible pressed the button on the side to call someone in.

"Who are you?" Jeff asked in a weak voice.

"Hi, I'm Bible, Perth's cousin. You fainted in your MV shoot so you were brought here. Doc. Job was here earlier, I can have the nurses call him back-"

"It's okay. Maybe in a bit, please. I don't want to talk to anyone yet." Jeff

"Oh. I can leave, stay just outside the door." Bible

"What? No, please, stay."

There was silence after that.

Bible stood frozen beside Jeff's bed.

Jeff stared outside the window, his eyes were sad.

The way he said that word, "stay" sounded a little too desperate for Jeff. He wasn't sure why but something about the man beside his bed felt familiar...and safe.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. If you wanted to..." Jeff said in a hushed tone, keeping his eyes looking at the vast sky.

"I'll stay here, with you, by your side," Bible responded in a hurry.

Jeff smiled at that and so did Bible.

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