21 Questions

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"Knowing a person is like music,

what attracts us to them is their melody,

and as we get to know who they are,

we learn their unique and lovely lyrics,

that we sing forever."

Jeff strummed his guitar once more into the tune of one of his songs, as he sang along.

"And I know it's too late to take

A flight to fly to your side

Tonight but baby I'll drive to you

Cuz I know it's too late to say

Goodbye but only just one

more night can I lay by your Side..."

"I like that song," Bible said without looking up from the book he is reading.

Today, they decided to go on a hike along the river, where they brought chairs, food, and drinks. Jeff got his guitar and Bible, his book. They just wanted to spend the afternoon in a quiet place while basking in the beauty of nature. This is good for Jeff, Bible thought, and it is something he used to love doing during his off.

"You listen to my songs?" Jeff asked Bible

"Well, I hear them played every morning while Becky and Freen scream their lungs out trying to reach your high notes"

They both laughed.

"Hey, do you want to play a game?"

Bible looked up from his book towards Jeff.

"If it is anything that will tire you, then no, " he said

"Nothing like that," Jeff giggled, "It will just be questions"

Bible raised a brow.

"It is called 21 questions but we don't need to limit it to that. So, usually, the questions would come from the players but in our case, I asked Freen and your sister to make them and we are gonna draw from a box" Jeff explained

"Is this your way of telling me that you are bored?" Bible asked.

Jeff laughed, "It is my way of saying that I want us to get to know more about each other fairly"

"I don't trust my sister and her GF's way of thinking"

"Don't be mean, Bibs, it will be exciting. Besides, we can just think of a consequence for every question that is left unanswered." Jeff paused, thinking, "How about whoever says pass on a question would need to grant the other's wish? If both of us passed on the same question, then we call it quits"

"So, it will be anytime or any day, whenever we want to draw from the box. Not necessarily in one day"

"Yep, just be honest, whatever comes out is what we are gonna answer. Deal?" Jeff

"Game on" Bible accepted


"Are you tired? Do you need more pillows for your back and your legs? Are you warm enough?" Bible asked Jeff who is currently sitting on a deckchair on their porch.

"Bibs, don't fuzz too much. I am fine and I'm not cold, the stars look beautiful tonight come and watch them with me." Jeff

"Fine, just let me know when you start feeling cold. Also, Becky came by and gave me this box which I'm guessing are your game questions"

Jeff leaned towards Bible to get the box, excited.

"Hah! Should we get our first question, then?"

"Sure, might as well have a try and see how it works." Bible

"Here, pick the first one" Jeff

Bible did as told and fished out a paper from inside the box. Freen and Becky used thin stationeries and rolled them. Bible unfolds and read the first question.

"What's the weirdest thing in your closet?"

"Oh my, what a kickoff question, Bibs! You better have something, do you?" Jeff teased

"Hmm... I have teeth" Bible answered the question

Jeff looked at him unbelieving.

"What? They were from I was young and had my first tooth extraction. I had just a few, by the way, because our Mom was very keen on taking care of our teeth." Bible defended his answer

"I guess it isn't that weird, just unusual that you were able to keep them this long" Jeff mused

"Your turn" Bible

"I have glitters, a cutter, a roll of satin, and seashells" Jeff

Bible didn't say anything but was in deep thought.

"I used to love designing. My clothes, pillow covers, bags, or anything where I can stitch or stick cute little decors on. I was told to stop, eventually, because they said it isn't something a boy like me should be doing." Jeff explained with a tad of regret in his eyes.

"Do it again, no one will stop you here and you can design every pillowcase or blanket, even the curtains and table clothes."

Jeff smiled, "Can I do the same to your clothes?"

"Ahh, maybe some that I wear to the clinic. The kids will be happy to see them on my clothes"

"I definitely would do that, though, no backing out on your words" Jeff challenged

Bible looked at Jeff, "I'll even show you good stores where you can buy those cute little decors of yours"

"Thank you, Bibs, you spoil me too much"

"I don't have any reason not to."


"I also have a vibrator with fake hair in my closet" Jeff suddenly blurted out

Bible choked on the coffee that he was sipping.

Jeff's laughter can be heard echoing in the stillness of that beautiful night, which the two shared watching the stars until Jeff fell asleep and Bible carried him up to his room.

"Goodnight Jeff, please get better" Bible whispered before he left the other on his bed, sound asleep.

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