Our Sounds

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"The sound of your voice reminds me,

that the world could be a safe place.

The sound of your heartbeat will forever be

my favorite song.

As your laughter dances with my soul."

Two weeks...Jeff had been in this house for two weeks, and for Bible, it felt-normal. It felt like Jeff was always a part of the house, not just a mere guest.

"Are you sure you want to go out today?" Bible asked Jeff who is now having his breakfast.

Munching on his French toast dipped in a mixture of vanilla soy milk and eggs with a sprinkle of ground cinnamon, Jeff gave Bible a stare.

"I would have the next morning I got here but you kept telling me to rest. I have rested enough, I need a breather."

Bible frowned, "Am I suffocating you?"

"What? No! I mean that this place offers beautiful places to visit but I haven't been in any of them, it's almost a month!" Jeff explained.

Bible laughed and Jeff closed his eyes indulging in the sound...

"Do you know, Bibs, that you have a nice laugh?"

"Hmm, how is that?"

"It has a wave to it as it dances in tunes. Makes my heart lifts and my hurts heal" Jeff said softly


"I can bring you to my clinic today and then we can pass by the market. Are you okay to stay at the clinic until, say, 3 pm?" Bible suddenly said as his ears flushed with redness.

"Sure! I think it is better than being holed up in my room with no one to talk to. Besides, Freen said their Café is near your clinic so I can visit them too"


Children screamed in delight the moment Bible and Jeff entered the clinic. They were so happy seeing their doctor, which amused Jeff because usually, kids would fear going to clinics.

"Doc. Bibs why only now?!" the kids whined

"Ah, I'm so sorry for missing out on our last appointment. I had some things to do and got busy" Bible said as he hand out some healthy treats to the kids.

A small girl with curly hair approached Jeff, "Hello, are you a doctor too?" she asked softly.

Bible looked at Jeff and then the kids "Everyone, this is my friend Jeff, he is from the city and visiting our town"

"Hello! No, sweetie, I am not a doctor." Jeff greeted the kids and smiled at the cute girl.

Jeff sat at the employees' lounge while he waits for Bible.

The girl from earlier approached him again.

"What is your name little one?" Jeff asked

"I'm Krista."

"Your hair is so pretty, Krista."

"Oh, they are not real," Krista said as she removed the wig and showed Jeff her really short hair

"Krista, don't do that!" a boy who looks way older than Krista came in and put the wig back on the girl's head.

"I'm sorry about that. My sister is going through chemo that is why...I hope she didn't offend or scare you-"

"No, no. Don't worry." Jeff said to put the boy at ease, but his heart is breaking.

"You look like an angel. Can you tell God to heal me so my mom and my brother won't cry anymore? Krista asked looking at Jeff

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