To know you better and to Love you more

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"I don't care where or how you grew up,

I don't care about your past,

I don't need anything else.

I only need your hand in mine."

It was midday and the aroma of delicious baked goods crept into every corner of the kitchen and living room.

"It's been a while since I've seen you, Jeff. You look good than the last time," Perth greeted Jeff when he visited him and Bible at their house.

"Phi, have some of our pies and cookies, then let us know how they taste." Freen offered

"Are these what you will be selling at the festival?" Perth asked as he took a bite of his pie.

"Yep! They are new and we will launch them during the Floating Lantern event. Let's see which will make it to our Café menu" Becky

"Oh, they taste good! Well, at least this cookie you gave me" Jeff said to Becky

"Actually, that one is off the list because it was specially baked by my brother just for you. These other food are not good for you because they have dairy in them" Becky informed Jeff

"Ahh, too bad. This one is really good and I am also curious about your pies and cookies." Jeff

Freen and Becky took all the food away from Jeff, to make sure that the latter won't be tempted to take a bite or they will be in big trouble with Bible.

"Here, I packed lunch for you and Phi, bring these to his clinic. That guy went out in a hurry early in the morning and didn't even have breakfast." Becky handed the lunch boxes to Jeff

"Alright! I think I had enough food to last me until dinner, but I will still bring some of these pies. Come on, Jeff, I'll drive you to the clinic" Perth offered Jeff

The two went on their way with their food, leaving Freen and Becky to finish preparing the pastries for tomorrow's festival.

Freen was humming a melody when she heard her girlfriend sigh, "Oh? What's up with you?"

"Babe, have you noticed how happy Phi' Bible was recently?" Becky asked

"I guess that is pretty obvious since Jeff moved here" Freen


"Are you worried, babe?"

Becky frowned, thinking, "Yes. I haven't seen him this happy."

"Isn't that good? I mean, finally, Phi' Bible have someone else beside us. Someone who will stay with him." Freen said

They both knew that there is something between Bible and Jeff, it is pretty obvious to whoever sees them together. The way they stare at each other, the way Bible takes care of Jeff as if the latter is a piece of a precious stone; the way Jeff makes Bible happy and contented with his stories and songs. The way the two seemed to be made for each other, fit and perfect.

They also knew about Jeff's health condition.

"Babe, for how long?" Becky asked Freen with worry in her eyes.

"Let's not think that way, Becks."

"I can't help it. I don't know what I'm gonna do if one day, Phi' Bible is to be left alone again...and in pain." Becky responded.


The crowd gathered in a big space near the river, where the festival will be held. There were lots of food stalls, folding chairs, tables, and mattresses on the grass-covered floor for people to sit and enjoy the clear night sky.

Freen and Becky, together with their crew, were busy attending to the people buying their pastries.

Perth was with his siblings happily eating and chatting on one of the tables.

Bible and Jeff chose a more secluded place within the Inn's backyard garden closer to the river bank.

"So, this was the Inn that Perth mentioned when you picked me up from the hospital? It looks nice, clean, and big. Why didn't you make me stay here, instead, as Perth suggested?" Jeff asked Bible as he looked around.

"I promised Doc. Job I will look after you and I can't do that if you live almost an hour away from me. Besides, there are rooms at the house and I'm the only one who lives there." Bible explained

Jeff jokingly narrowed his eyes at Bible, "You planned this so you can have me to yourself"

Bible smirked, "Am I that obvious?"

Jeff blushed and Bible laughed.

"What are those?" Jeff

"Floating lanterns. Every year we light them up, make a wish, and let them flow out of the river."

"Okay, that pollutes the water."

"I think so. Some of the residents nearby try to clean up as many as they can find in the morning, the rest probably flowed out to the sea"

"What do you wish for?"

"Whatever you wanted. It could be anything actually, not just a wish. It could be something you want to tell yourself or someone far away, or just someone else but you don't want them to know. You could whisper your worries and pain too, so the lantern will bring it into the water, away from you" Bible continued.

Jeff pulled the box of questions from his bag "Bibs let's play. Since we are not mingling with the rest of the people here, but instead we are seated in this part under a very big full moon, might as well make our time more interesting"

"Fine, fine. Let me draw the question" Bible took the box from Jeff "What's your favorite color to wear?"

"That is a boring one. Still, we need to answer, hmm... Yellow. It's my favorite color and I love how it reminds me of positive things, such a very happy color for me. Wearing yellow makes me look like sunshine, it covers all the darkness I had in life" Jeff answered with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.


"I'm okay. It's just you and me here so I feel comfortable enough to say things that I usually keep to myself. Your turn "

"I like black and red. Red was my mom's favorite color, she said it was lucky for her. But she was scared of blood, even just a drop would make her go into a panic. Black goes with any color, easy to wear"

"Is that the reason why you like nighttime?" Jeff

"You noticed? Maybe and also the stillness of the surroundings, when most people are done for the day and already resting" Bible

"You are very easy to read, Bibs. You wear your heart on your sleeves and your expression is always obvious on your face" Jeff looked at him "Or maybe, I just stare at you that much"

"That you do, huh" and Bible reached for Jeff's hand to kiss it.

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