Time Pass Love

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"Love makes the time pass, 

Time makes love pass. 

Still, there are some people in this world

who can just love and love and love, 

no matter what." 

 Time is free but it's priceless they say. Every moment ignored could be a good memory that is lost. Bible and Jeff indeed spend their time together doing things they both love. In their game of questions, Jeff once said "I have been to different countries and seen many beautiful places, but they are mostly because of work. I never had a chance to have a real vacation."

"Where would you like to go and what would you want to do?" Bible asked

"Nature. I want to be with nature and just enjoy the surroundings. It doesn't have to be in an expensive place but I want it to be private and quiet" Jeff responded. 

So today, in mid-October, they are standing in a meadow just a few hours from the town. There are beautiful flowers and the greenest grass Jeff had ever seen. Bible brought a big tent that could fit 4 people, a portable stove, sleeping bags, folding chairs, food, and other essentials.  

"Eat your food it's getting cold" Bible told Jeff after handing him a piece of meat fresh from the grill. 

"Hmm, smells good. Are we staying here for good?" Jeff

"Sure, we can raise our kids here away from the chaotic world outside" Bible replied smiling

"We are just less than four hours from that world, you know" Jeff rolled his eyes 

"So, you are willing to have kids" Bible

"If you could get me pregnant" 

"Do you wanna try?" Bible said as he tried to grab Jeff who quickly stood and ran away from him. 

Laughter echoed in the quiet night as the two souls made a beautiful memory of their time together. 

It had been seven months since that fateful day when Bible found Jeff on the ground, that day they first met. 


Doc. Job was excited and happy as he delivered the news to Jeff over the phone, "We found you a match, Jeff, a good heart." 

"Are we sure about this, Doc?  I don't want a repeat of last time." Jeff said a bit worried

"Nothing like that. We made sure of it and all you need to do is come here next week so we can do all the necessary tests before you undergo the transplant" 

"Thank you, thank you so much, Doc. Job" Jeff said before he said goodbye and hang up. 


Bible was elated to hear the news that he can't even express his emotions in words. He just embraced Jeff tightly and gave him kisses all over his face. Jeff giggled as he tried to escape Bible's hold because there are other people in the room. 

Becky was tearing up and Freen was just hugging her girlfriend. 

"We are happy for you, for both of you. This is the best gift for your birthday Phi, you can't deny that" Becky said to Bible.

"Best birthday and Christmas gift ever, you mean" Bible corrected

"But Phi, aren't you going to a conference this weekend?" Freen

"Oh. I'm not going then" Bible

"Babe! You have to attend that. I know you had been waiting for this opportunity to raise funds for the town's medical facility and you got it. You will be back by Monday, just in time for my appointment with the hospital on Tuesday." Jeff said to Bible

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