Your Wishes, My Promises, and the Kiss

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"Just close your eyes, make a wish,

and don't break our promise, that

My soul will meet yours whenever our lips touch"

"I love hearing you tell stories about your mom, Becky too. Makes me think how nice would it be to have one, I mean-you know like having one who loves and cares for you."

Bible moved from where he was sitting to the spot beside Jeff and took the latter into his arms. Jeff snuggled closer to Bible until his back is to Bible's chest.

"You got me now to love and care for you"

"Hmm. Feels good. Now my turn" Jeff said as he reached inside the box "If you could be something else other than what you are now, what do you want to be?"

"Ah, I once dreamt of becoming an Engineer. I had this fascination with designing, creating or modifying things. When I started high school, Becky had a minor heart sickness and I saw how scared our mom was. It was then I started learning about the anatomy of our hearts and got me to enter medical school" Bible

"Oh, right, I wanted to ask. You are a cardiologist but you treat different cases of kids here?"

"I don't do their actual treatment but rather help their doctors in monitoring their health and progress. This is a small town, Jeff, you need to travel three hours to go to the big hospitals where those doctors are. Not everyone can afford to travel now and then just for a simple check-up."

"I see. My dream was to become a teacher, especially in arts and music. But my parents were so against the idea that I would get scolded every time I mention that. They wanted me to become like them, and get into business. When I left home, I needed to make money so I started singing at small bars or events. It is where I got scouted to join my first music label, so here I am."

"Don't you like what you do now?" Bible asked Jeff as he covered both of them with a big blanket.

"I do. I love creating music, singing, and sharing them with other people. I love how my music makes someone feels, it is like sharing a part of me with them."

Bible brushed his lips on Jeff's hair, asking permission.

Jeff touched Bible's face as if saying it is okay.

Bible kissed Jeff on his left cheek to which the latter leaned to.

"What is your favorite thing about me?" Jeff

"Is that from the box?" Bible

"No...Just answer it, Bibs!" Jeff said as he softly elbowed Bible

"Okay, I will" Bible laughed "Your eyes. Not only because they are beautiful but more so because I love how I get lost in them whenever you look at me. It is like they relieve me of every fear I have whenever I get caught in them"

"You are so cheesy, Bibs, and that is one thing I love about you. How you make a simple phrase into sweet nothings that make the butterflies in my stomach flutters. But my favorite is your smile. It speaks different languages for different people."

Jeff looked at Bible "When you are with the kids at the clinic, your smile heals. It gives them happiness and maybe, hope. When you jokingly argue with Becky, your smile gives her safety, that she will be okay so long as you are there. When you talk to other people, it assures them that you listen and that you understand"

"And when I smile at you?" Bible asked

"It tells me that I am the reason behind it and it melts my soul" Jeff said in a softer tone

"Hmm, and I am the cheesy one?"

"Ugh, a nice way to ruin the mood!" Jeff whined to which they both laughed.

"Hey! Come on you two, we are lighting the lanterns!" Perth called them

Bible and Jeff walked holding hands towards the river.

"Make a wish" Bible whispered to Jeff

"Let's make them together," Jeff said back

The two closed their eyes and whispered their wishes and promises as their lanterns float on the water.

If I could turn back the clock, I would have found you sooner and love you longer. Then you won't need to go through your darkness alone. I promise Jeff, from now on, you will have me by your side and forever I'll drown in your eyes. Bible

I wish I could stay longer, please give me more time. I don't want to leave Bible and be the reason for his smile to fade. I knew from the first time I saw his face, he was that beautiful thing I have been wishing for my whole life, after all the hurt that I had been through. Jeff

The rest of the people went back to their places on the ground as well as Bible and Jeff to their spot in the garden. They were once more cuddled and covered by their warm blanket.

"Where is the box?" Jeff searched the ground beside them "Ah, I think there are a few questions left"

"We still have time. We have all the time in the world." Bible said

"Here. What is your biggest fear?"

The silence that followed was so deafening that Jeff wished he didn't draw that question.

"I used to fear losing my voice. For me, it is my whole world and without it, I'd rather cease to exist as well. Now...I fear that one day, I don't get to see you smile again." Jeff answered first

"That will never happen, not while I'm still breathing. I won't let it, Jeff, no matter what"

"What is yours?"



"What?? I'm scared of them, okay? I'd scream my lungs out when one crawls on me. My world would stop spinning. So, you better be there whenever there is one because you can kill them, you weren't scared. You can't leave, Jeff, or spiders will get me."

Jeff chuckled and took another question from the box "I'll get another one just because"

"You are so whiny tonight" Bible

"What was your best kiss like?" Jeff

Bible paused, "Hmm. I don't know...but should we find out?"

Bible leaned towards Jeff...slowly...for what feels like years. His eyes searched for the latter with longing as if communicating that what he is about to do is something his heart had been wanting for.

Then came the quick peck of softly pursed lips.



Three times.

On the third time, the lips settled on each other, no tongue, just lips pressed together and feeling each other's warmth.

Bible closed his eyes and held Jeff's face with one of his hands. And his lips moved.

His tongue brushed on Jeff's bottom lip as if asking for permission, which was granted in a heartbeat.

Their kiss was not rushed. It felt like a slow dance to a mellow tune.

It's something they freely gave and took with no regrets.

It starts slow and built to a surge.

An ignited passion that they both can't tame.

Like something that steals your breath away.

Felt like you just came home after a long absence.

It felt like a Promise.

That they both intended to fulfill.

Under the moonlight and the endless count of the stars,

"Please be mine?" Bible

"All yours, Bibs, I'm all yours"

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