Our Lives Together

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"If ever I get lost, I want to be with you, 

in a beautiful place, only our hearts know. 

You don't need to give me the stars and the moon, 

Just promise that you will watch them with me, forever"

The singing voices of different artists can be heard on the TV in which a program is being broadcasted live. Freen, Becky, and Jeff were gathered in the living room couches when Bible arrived from his work at the clinic. 

"Have you guys had dinner?" he asked them

"We did, but Jeff here said he'll wait for you so he hasn't" Freen replied 

"You should've eaten, it's late," Bible said looking at Jeff

Jeff stood up from the couch and walked towards Bible, and then they both went to the dining area. 

"I knew you won't eat outside that's why I waited, so you won't be eating alone," Jeff said as he prepared their dinner. 

While eating, they heard the host say their goodbyes to the people watching live. Bible heard Jeff sigh. 

"I had been a part of that for years," he said "My assistant even called me if I still wanted to join this year but I said no. I thought I'd feel bad about missing out on it but surprisingly, I feel more relaxed and even enjoyed watching it than being part of it."

"You can be again once you get better and rested enough," Bible said 

Jeff smiled as he put away their plates while Bible made them coffee. 

"Leave the dishes and we will take care of them!" Becky shouted from the living room

The two cleaned the table and left the dishes in the sink then went to their porch for a night cup. 

"Do you wanna draw another question? It's been days since the last one." Bible asked Jeff as he handed the box to the latter. 

Their question last time was fun too: "If you could travel to any year in a time machine, what year would you choose and why?" 

Bible said that he would want to go back to the time there was a big flood in their area. Not for anything serious but because he fell in a hole that time while he was trying to impress his middle-school crush. He begged his Mom for them to move to another place out of embarrassment. His sister never knew about that story or she and Freen will make it their mission to tell every living soul they meet. 

As for Jeff, he said he would want to go back to his first kiss with a boy from his neighbourhood who also became his first boyfriend. Bible asked if it was because it was so good that he wanted to experience it again. Jeff scoffed and said that he wanted to give that guy a hard slap on the face instead because that "bitch" cheated. 

"Let me punch him if  ever we see him," Bible said 

"You can't. He became a priest" 

Bible was shocked but didn't ask further. 

"So, can I pick one this time?" Jeff said as he waved the box in front of Bible's eyes, pulling the latter out of his thoughts of their previous question. 

"Go ahead" 

"Who in your family are you closest to?" Jeff reads, "Now, this is deep."

"Hmm, do you want to pass?" Bible 

"Nah, I'm fine. There is no one, so, yeah."

Bible kept quiet which prompted Jeff to continue. 

"I was raised in a very strict family. My parents were more of a guardian than parents, to be honest. They provided me everything that a child could ask for, except their time and...well, love."

Jeff looked up at the dark sky void of any stars. "Do you think it's gonna rain?" he suddenly asked Bible.

"Looks like it." 

"I left our house as I entered University" Jeff continued "At first my Mom won't let me but I stood my ground and that angered my Dad so much, he told me to leave and to not ever come back. That day, I became an orphan when my father said they no longer have a son." Jeff looked at Bible, "Sad story, isn't it? Well, it was freedom for me and the happiest day of my life"

"Cutting ties with family is not always sad. Sometimes, it is all you needed to have a more peaceful life" Bible said

"Well, your turn."

"Used to be my Mom but now, it's Becky. They are the only family I knew and acknowledge because, for me, our Dad ceased to exist when he chose to leave. At first, we were told it was because of work, but then one day I saw my mom secretly crying in her room. It is when I found out that our Dad already chose to have a new family abroad. We don't even know where he is nor we tried to reach out to him when our Mom passed away."

"I'm sorry to hear about your Mom." Jeff held Bible's hand

"Don't be. She lived a full and happy life, well, that is at least what we witnessed. She was our strength, our wall, and our hero. Don't be sorry, Jeff, you had it rough compared to us. I wish I'd known you since, then you wouldn't have faced life alone." 

"Bibs don't be too sweet, I'm easy to fall" Jeff smiled as he said this 

Bible did too, "Don't worry, you won't feel the hard floor if ever you will. I won't let you."

And they both intertwined their fingers as they revel in the soft wind that blows on that cold night. 

"OH MY GOD, GET A ROOM!!!" Freen and Becky screamed from the front door before they left the two alone in the house. 

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