The Offer

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"In your lifetime, there's always that someone who cares.

Someone whose life would simply stop to put yours first.

That someone who would step ahead of you, just to make sure you won't trip

or fall to the edge."

"How are you feeling? Do you feel any dizziness or shortness of breath? How about your head, does it hurt?"

Bible asked these while he checked on Jeff's neck for pulse, and his legs and feet for any swelling. Jeff giggled softly which made Bible stop what he was doing and removed his hand that was on Jeff's left foot.

"Are you a doctor?" Jeff asked amused

"I'm sorry, out of habit. I mean, yes, I'm a doctor but for pediatrics." Bible

Jeff smiled, "Do I look like a little kid?"

Bible was about to respond when the door opened, and Doc. Job is back.

Jeff welcomed the one who just entered the room "Good evening, Doc. I'm here again."

"How are you feeling, Jeff?" Doc. Job asked in a worried tone.

"Better. I have Doc. Bible here to take care of me." Jeff replied, smiling.

"Ahh, you've been acquainted, huh? Doc. Bible was a schoolmate of mine, but we specialized in different fields."

There was a pause that Bible took as his signal to leave the room.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Bible

Jeff reached out to grab Bible's arm, "No! Uh, please stay,"

"Jeff, are you sure? We need to talk about your recent diagnosis." Doc. Job asked, bewildered.

Doc. Job explained and cited the recent findings to Jeff since the latter won't let go of Bible. The results were mostly the same as before except that this time, it is escalating.

"I knew this gonna happen, I've been working hard for my latest single."

"Exactly. We kept on reminding you to slow it down because your heart won't be able to keep up." Doc. Job

"Well, it will give up eventually, so I am just taking advantage of my remaining time." Jeff

"Don't say that. Come on Jeff, you know you are on the priority list for a heart transplant. Once we find a match-"

"It's been years, Doc. I can't just pause my life and wait for something we are not even sure will come."

"It will, Jeff. We are doing everything we can in finding your match." Doc. Job tried to assure him.

Jeff sighed and looked at Bible. For whatever it's worth, he is thankful that this man, though they are still strangers to one another, chose to stay.

"What do you think, Doc. Bible?" Jeff suddenly asked Bible who was now standing in the corner, listening to their conversation.

"Jeff, I know I'm not in the right position to say anything since I still don't know the full history of your...but anyway, I understand your will to seize the day. You are an artist and your life is in your passion" Bible hesitantly replied,

"But... Isn't it more rewarding if you can do this for a long time? Until you grow older and feel that you've already created enough masterpieces under your name."

"I don't have longer time, Doc," Jeff responded with a forlorn smile.

"You could if you will give them a chance to try their best in helping you," Bible said - in the softest voice he can manage.

Doc. Job moved near Jeff's bed and tried his best to sound as convincing and positive, as possible.

"Jeff, like what we have been trying to ask you, consider a vacation. Give your heart time to rest as well as your body, you don't need to abandon your career you just need a little time off. Go to a place where you can be free from all the stressors and pressures of the entertainment industry."

"Doc, as much as I wanted to do that, I don't have anywhere to go unless I settle for another country," Jeff said

"Come and stay with me, in our province in Kanchanaburi. With fresh air and few people in our community, we run a vacation house where you could stay or if it's okay with you, I have spare rooms in my house. No one will disturb you there, maybe my sister and her girlfriend, or Perth" Bible interjected which surprised both Jeff and Doc. Job.

"Well, that is a good offer, I love their place there but it is too quiet even for me. Which I think is just what you need, Jeff." Doc. Job seconded.

Jeff smiled at Bible, "Would you trust a stranger to live with you, Doc. Bibs?" he challenged.

Bible shrugged his shoulders, "So long as you let me take care of you, I'll take the risk."

Doc. Job looked at his friend, amused. From what he remembers, Bible is the kind who wouldn't get himself involved in other people's business. Especially not someone he just met.

"Well, I better call my assistant to pack my baggage for me. Can I bring my guitar?" Jeff asked

"You are most welcome to do so, and we can play together sometimes." Bible.


Bible watched as Perth and Jeff's assistant load the latter's baggage in his car.

"Bro, are you sure about this? That guy can be a handful at times but not overbearing. Have you informed your sister? Why not let him stay at the Inn?" Perth asked his cousin.

"I gave him that option and he chose to stay at the main house. It is fine, Becky now lives with Freen so I am left alone and there are spare rooms he can choose from" Bible explained, again. "Also, with his condition, it is better that he is within my reach just in case."

Perth raised his brow as if resigning from the discussion. He knew that once Bible has decided on something, then it is what it is.

"Are you all set?" Bible asked the guy in the passenger seat of his car. The guy he recently met and offered his house to. The guy who feels so familiar and comfortable.

"I'm all yours, Doc. Bibs" Jeff replied in a joking way.

Off they went to Bible's place where maybe, life can be better and kinder to Jeff.

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