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      Dearest Reader, the time has come I shall tell you the story of Princess Eden. The Princess is in the hands of the queen. She is not one of the Queen's many children by blood, but legally on papers She is. Eden is the youngest out of all. She was tooken in by lady Danbury and the queen found interest in the young girl. The queen thought- thought? I mean knew she had potential. Eden was given away by her father whom dislike the fact she was born. Since her birth caused her mothers death, and he expected to have a young lad to carry on his title.

Queen Charlotte was very kind to take the girl in, she would do no such thing to others but the queen knew something about this girl was special. In other words, she'd make a beautiful permanent diamond. Of course there was Diamond of the season already, but her majesty was already stunned by the girls beauty and so she labeled her daughter the permanent diamond of all of England.

One thing she knew is that weather or Not Eden was hers, she knew she couldn't force her into the marriage line no matter how hard she tried. Eden was innocent yet pure and stubborn. Such a pure soul no one would dare try and metal in her life. All the Queen's other children were far from that and she thanks the Lord everyday for being blessed with all her kids but most of all being blessed with Eden.

The Princess hasn't been out much at all since she was born and moved to live in a huge castle. She has a few friends as her ladies, Penelope Featherington, Angelina Brokhan, and Daphine Bridgerton are the only people in GROVENOR SQUARE who know who she is, and know she is a person all together. Her identity is well hiden and it was kept that way for a while until she was about to turn twenty, her birthday was near the choosing of the Diamond of the season.

She has been very well hiden by her mama- her majesty, but the queen didn't want her child to be so isolated since her other children got to roam free. She wanted to make sure Eden was comfortable with going out. Not being able to socialize well, Eden developed Anxiety. She'd often have panic attacks when things became over barring and all together to much to handle her hands often shook after she'd have a conversation with someone she didn't know.

She stuttered and boy oh boy was her stutter bad, but she worked on it for a few years. Her and the Duke of Hastlings one of her only male friends helped her with her stutter and although he may have been able to get
Rid of his speech impediment completely, Eden's is still very much there and very clear. She doesn't stutter in every word, but usually once or twice in nearly every sentence.

Eden and the Duke have always been close. Not siblings but nearly there. Simon has always looked after Eden as a sibling, they haven't seen nor spoken to each other in years. They left each other on a positive note but the both of them were always to busy to ever meet up with each other again. And so they drifted apart.

Eden has always been able to form great relationships with anyone whom she was comfortable speaking to. But when it came to a stranger whom made her uncomfortable she was as quiet as a mouse, sharing a few fake giggles and few jokes here and there but it was never sincere. She is innocent and pure like once mentioned before. She is always up to being as nice as possible even to those who gave her the back of their hand..

But that is it for now my dearest Reader, now it is time to take a look into the life of the Princess and the second eldest Bridgerton. How they met, and how Edens happiness began to bloom...

A/N: I don't like this all that much but the actual book will have better wording then this.

Also there will be smut in this book like I mentioned in the character description. So if you do not like that stuff. Plz leave.


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