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                  LOOKING INTO THE MIRRIOR , she looked at her mother as she placed a diamond necklace around her neck. " It is beautiful mama" Eden commented on the piece of jewelry gifted to her by her mother and father once she turned the age four. She had held this piece of jewelry in her jewelry box for sometime unable to wear it as it was too big. And now that she was finally able to wear it she felt amazed at how beautiful it looked, and how well it sparkled against her skin.

Her face was glowing with excitement as she got ready for the next upcoming ball.

She wasn't looking forward to anything. Anything but one thing. And that one thing was seeing the one and only Bridgerton she had her eyes on.
The Bridgerton she had a life with in her dreams when she rested her eyes and put her mind at ease.

Her intentions wasn't to impress anyone at all. Anyone but Benedict Bridgerton, she didn't ask for a new ravishing dress to draw attention from any other man but the one she had eyes for. So she looked in the mirror with a glow of desire in her eyes. The way she longed for him was like no other.

It was almost time for her to make her grand apprenece at the ball. Her dearest mother would be sure to attend later into the ball or stay at home where she was most comfortable.

The dress Eden wore was a baby pink, with a nice Big puff to it, flowers decorated the dress around the waist area and strip of them going down the dress reading the bottom. With the slightest bit of sparkles on it. The frills in the dress is what drew the most attention to her appearance, how puffy it was, it looked soft, she didn't look uncomfortable in the slightest bit.

Eden smiled as she walked about the door being greeted by her shaporne; Adam. He held out his hand and she gladly took it with a graceful smile walking down the stairs, maids held her dress as she walked so she didn't face plant or stumble. As she defended the staircase the anxiety began to bubble within her stomach, her breath shook as she took in a deep breath. ' what if the bridgerton shares no intrest in me?' Was the constant thought that raced through her mind.

Pushing the thought down she got into the carage with the help Of her shaporne and the driver pulled off.

Benedict Bridgerton arrived along side his family to the ball , almost immediately they were greeted by lady Danbury and the Duke of Hastings. Benedict blocked out their conversation as he searched everywhere trying to find the only reason he had come tonight ; her. He hadn't come to dance with anyone else, no blonde , no brunnetts no other brown skinned women but her . He missed her presents , the way she light up the room with her pretty white teeth.

" Whatever are you looking for Brother?" Collin Bridgerton asked his elder brother watching him frantically look around the room that only increased with men and women.

" The princess." He answered his eyes not leaving the crowd.

" Oh. I see" Collin smirked. " Please tell me you aren't making a poor choice in trying to court someone of such high class. Her majesty would like her daughter to marry someone of her own ranking brother, I am here to crush that dream before the queen herself does so." Collin said feeling bad for his brother.

" You do not understand the desire I see in her brother. Sure I've been in and out of bruthals , but she makes me feel ready." He said as he watched a carage pull up outside the doors

" For?" His brother encouraged him to go on.

" To spend the rest of my life with one person, that person must be her or ill forever be alone. I know it's really early to tell but brother something about her is different from any girl that has ever approached me. Her innocence is my weakness alone , along with her smile, her eyes and her sweet caring voice, now if you'll excuse me I shall go see if that is her carage outside." Benedict said in almost one breath before he left his brother side immediately being stopped by Anthony.

" Ah, hold it..." He said stopping his brother dead in his tracks. Benedict sighed in annoyance. " Go dance with your sister." He ordered.

" Why?" He asked confused.

" Because I asked you to!" Anthony said pushing his brother towards Daphne Bridgerton. Benedict sighed his mind still on her hoping and praying that she felt the same way as he did. He knew it would be hell and more to try and court the Queen's daughter but for once he didn't wanna back down nor did he want to give up. If be heading people were still a thing Benedict would rather die after getting beheaded by the queen for the reason of begging for her dearest child. The way he longed for her was in no way a sexual attraction but so much more and there was no way Benedict would let that feeling go to waste. He needed her. And surely he would get her.

Emerging from her carage the princess , walked into the ball room her arm hooked around her shaporne. Her eyes searched the party looking for the only one she had eyes on. She got bows and hellos and she fanned them all off something she never does due to the high respect she had for her people. She walked towards the back wall seen Anthony , she hadn't spoken to any other Bridgerton besides Benedict and she felt the need to get closer to the others.

" Your highness" Anthony bowed, you greeted him with a Kurtcy.

" Hello Lord Bridgerton." Eden greeted. Her and Anthony sparked up a conversation eventually Anthony excused himself and walked away to speak to the Duke. Startled you stumbled back as you heard the familiar voice of the second eldest Bridgerton.

" Hello my lady" Benedict greeted her swith an award winning smile. Her heart swelled as she looked into his eyes the direct eye contact making her knees feel unsteady. She got many different emotions when talking to him, looking at him- breathing in his presents.

" Benedict!" Eden nearly squealed with a bright smile that- like usual lit up the room.

He smiled at her finally getting to see the whole reason he came.

" may I have this dance ?" Benedict asked sticking his hand out towards her. Eden gladly took his hand and the too danced. Many looked in their direction seeing how in love they looked. No one had ever seen such chemistry in quite some time. Courting was usually, find a lady, dance with her at a few balls, purpose, impregnate her. So love wasn't as common in these settings as everyone thought.

Their eyes stayed glued to one another's their smiles brighter then ever. The feeling they got as soon as their hands connected. The crowd had stopped dancing, the music still going as everyone watched the too dance and laugh. Soon the song came to an end and Eden backed away with a respectful curtsy and Benedict a bow.

This night had truly been one for the books....

A/N: sorry I haven't updated in so long. I recently went through a break up and it was so hard for me and I'm still trying to get over it. I miss him and I love him so much. He's still mine in my head. His birthday is also coming up and I'm dreading it so much.

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