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                    SOME DIDN'T understand how hard giving birth could be. There is the down side and the up side. Down side being Putting all your energy into pushing. The up side being, being able to bring a new life into the world. In Lady Danbury's opinion giving birth was to be a blessing and a curse. Because yes you may being creating life and letting it breath the air you do. But that could be cut short by you losing your own in the process of allowing a new being into the world.

Lady Danbury has witnessed the tradgity more then once– well merely only twice. But it was still painful to watch. She went through the pain with Simon Bassets mother and Edens mother.

Aubery cried as she pushed with all her might. She pushed with every bone in her body.

" You must push harder, your majesty." A doctor order her to do so. She grabbed onto her knees harder, her nails digging into her own skin as she did. The sqeat beating down her face could've been enough liquid to fill up a cup. " Where is my husband!" She screamed out pushing even more. And at hearing that the woman's husband pushed through the doctors that kept him out the room.

He could not bare listen to the love of his life scream in agony. As he rushed in he immediately grabbed his wife's hand and placed a kiss on the back of her hand and she smiled despite all the pain she was going through.

" One final push, your majesty" the doctor spoke with a smile on his face seeing the baby was almost out. Aubery looked to her husband before shutting her eyes and letting out a loud grunt pushing her baby from her womb. One of the doctors took the baby and began to swadal them in a blanket. Meanwhile the king was panicked.

" What is it?" Lady Danbury said marching in and her face dropped once she saw the king nearly in tears starring at his lifeless wife.

" She's was awake only a moment ago, she was breathing-" the king began to panic and tears began to stream down his face. " There was too much blood your his majesty." The doctor said his face full of nothing but sorrow and condolences.

" Congratulations your highness. It is a beautiful baby girl." One of the doctors said with a smile and then that's when Lady Danbury watched the kings whole personality change within seconds. Anger filled his eyes as he stood from his knees and marched towards the child starring at her as she slept peacefully after crying fit. He scuffed and marched away leaving Lady Danbury confused and full of nothing but sadness and she saw one of her closets friends lifeless. She wanted to cry and but she stayed strong.

Lady Danbury had no idea that she'd have to raise the young princess like her own for a while before handing her off to the queen of England.

" Your Majesty." Brimsley called out to Charlotte. " Whatever is it you could possibly want?" The queen asked in annoyance. Brimsley and Charlotte have been beside one and another since the king was arranged to marry her. And deep down even as she wasn't a young adult anymore she still loved Brimsley somewhere in her heart, but always refuses to say it to his face.

" Eden's Birth father is her to see her." He said making the queen dropped Lady Whistledowns latest report. She hated the man and he's come to vist quit a few times but everytime she has sent him back to where he has come from.

" Would you like me to send him away, your majesty?" Brimsley questioned.

" No. Eden shall make this decision on her own. If she does not wish to see him she will say so. If she does then she will see him" Charlotte said with a sigh. Brimsley bowed and told the maids to tell the princess her father was here to speak.

Eden sat in her bedroom drawing freely with the inked pen she had when a knock came from her door making her look up in an instant. " Come in" She called and Soon enough Natile appeared with a soft smile on her face.

" Your father is here to see you, ma'am" she said and Eden immediately dropped her pen on the desk she had in her room. All her attention on her best Lady. " W-what?" She asked confused her stutter coming into play like usual. She has never spoken a word to her father since she was eight. The day he told her she was a mistake, the reason her mother passed, and an embarrassment to new Orleans and the rest of the world. With a sigh she decided she should be the bigger person.

" I'll be down in the drawing room in only a mere moment. He shall not be let in until I get there." She order politely as she began to clean up.

" of course miss." Natile said and left the room. Adam smiled at Natile as she took a knee to thank him for allowing her to speak with the princess. Since Adam was Edens best man just like Brimsley was to Charlotte he had power over every other maid in the palace. Eden put all her papers away and had a few maids despose of the ink properly and she fixed her dress before she was escorted down to the drawing room. She took a deep breath and sat down on the couch in the room awaiting her father's arrival.

Soon enough the doors opened.

" King Watson Of New Orleans!" His name was announced and eden sat down with a soft yet blank smile.

" Daughter." Her father smiled making Eden immediately confused. " d-do not a-address m-me as such, I am Her m-majesty and or y-your highness." She spoke in a most respectful manner.

" Whatever child." He says as he sat down on a couch that was in front of where the princess had sat.

Edens breathing quicken and she realized she may have made a mistake. All her put away truama began to fload in slowly so that is when she spoke. " W-whatever is it t-that brings you here? Y-you wanted me gone- and then i-i am. So why d-do you c-come here?" She asked anger wanting to spill from her mouth but she kept her composer.

" You are to marry, sire me an Heir to continue our name." Her father got straight to the point.

" Y-you mean your n-name?" Eden asked tilting her head. " Last time I checked I'm next in line for the thrown of England since my brother's and sisters refuse to marry." Eden spoke nothing But the truth to her father and his face seized with anger.

" I am your father! You will marry! The deal has been maid! You are to marry the prince of Russian younger brother. It is done. And it is final. You will not! Ever! Go against me!" He yelled and immediately guards began to fload in.

" And that is where you are w-w-wrong. I do not take all this from you. As what no longer my father period. That title improved left when I left with lady dunbury and now I am happy the family I have, I will not marry anyone you have promised me too who's made. I will marry as I please and as I chose there will nothing you can do about it. And if you try and go against my word, I will have the Queen sentence you to treason. or simply have you vanished from England complete me so you may never speak to me again and never have any contact with me ever again. you have created a beautiful daughter. Who one day will have someone to marry, you will not choose who that daughter will marry." She spoke with authority as the guards began to guide him to the door. Surprisingly she didn't stutter ince and that often happened when she knee exactly what she wanted to say and she's been wanting to say a lot of things for Years.

He thrashed and fought in the gaurds arms." You will marry! Who I ask of you to marry! Just wait!" He said and he was soon dragged out of her sight.

Once the drawing room doors such. Eden took a deep breath and a smile was repainted on her face. However does she smile through the pain so often?...

A/N: So sorry but this isn't edited. I'm lazy..I'm not sure if made a mistake.

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