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             THE FOLLOWING DAY Eden had decided to ease drop on her mother conversation with the Viscountest Bridgerton– violet. They had spoken about what a match the duke and The diamond of the season would be and only Violet and Now Eden knew what was to come In two days time if they didn't find away to cancel lord Berbrooke licences.

Eden hid outside the drawing room as vIolet and her maid marched out. " What are we to do ma'am ?" Asked the maid but before Violet could speak Eden stood infront of them with a small smirk.

" Hello your highness" the two bowed.

" I have an idea." Is all Eden said as she began to walk with them.

" And what might that be?" The maid asked the young girl

" You are to invite Lady Berbrooke over for tea , Mrs. Wilson , at once" Eden presented and immediately Violet smiled as she knew exactly what Eden had planned.

" Should you like to join us your majesty , " Violet asked.

" Of course Lady Bridgerton" she smiled. Adam walked closely behind Eden as the three women walked outside. The Viscountest and her maid getting in one carriage and Eden getting in her own as they maid their way back to the Bridgerton House hold.

Daphne , Eden , Violet , and Lady Berbrooke sat at a table filled with treats in the drawing room.

Eden and Daphne tried their best to hide their distaste for the woman and her son as she spoke about him. " Nigel is my one and only child" she spoke as she took a treat from the fancy holder that sat on the table.

" mm-hmm." Violet fakly giggled.

" Very special boy , indeed. In fact , I Often say God did not bless me with another because perfection has already been achieved" she bragged.

" My goodness" Violet spoke as she held her tea.

" Not every lady can be so blessed , I know." Lady Berbrooke bragged once more and Eden began to see the resemblance in Nigel and his mother. He was careless with his honour– she could tell just by looking at him and based on his false information from yesterdays gathering at the park. She knew Daphne would never do such a thing. So she seen no need to invite Daphne for tea earlier then this to discuss what had happened because she already knew.

Berbrooke was careless with his honour because of the woman who raised him. She raised him with the cockiest of personalities , the man only picked up what he had been taught. Though his actions to violate a women like he did Ms. Bridgerton was completely a choice of his own and his mother wasn't to blame for it.

" Ms. Bridgerton..." lady Berbrooke called out to the girl. " Allow me to set my eyes upon you" she said before bitting the biscuit in her hand and chewing with her mouth slightly open making Eden hold back a gag.

' where in God's name was this woman's manners?' The young girl thought to herself.

" Certainly healthy" she began to judge Daphne based on what she saw.
" Even if your countenance is a bit drawn." She judged making Daphne looked to her mother and the princess before looking back at her mother as she began to speak.

" It was a terribly late evening." Violet excused , defending her daughter.

" All the excitement , I suppose. Yet you must try harder , dear. My Nigel is quite discerning. He already turned away many more beautiful debutantes , saying , ' mother... I prize accompaniment over beauty'." Spoke Lady Berbrooke. " Can you believe it?"

Eden wanted to so badly say no she didn't believe it but she kept her composure for the soul purpose of their families reputation and Daphnes life in the marriage market.

The four of them stood up as it was time for Lady Berbrooke to leave. She walked over to Daphne.

" You are but not one bite at tea , my dear!" She said in realization.

" A young lady must be well fed if she is to bear children. Kippers on the every morning worked wonders for me when I conceived my Nigel." The woman giggled before walking outside the drawing room the doors being closed almost immediately.

" What have you found?" Eden and Violet asked at the same time.

" What is going on?" Daphne asked confused.

" Well you could not think your mother would ask that woman for tea without a thought for you , could you?" Eden asked. " The help hears everything , as we all know."

Rose turned to the princess and Lady Bridgerton.

" She had heard a good deal , in fact." Rose began to speak. " Lord Berbrooke has a boy by one of his maids that he refused to provide for. Sent the maid and child away to live off scraps.

" Horrible man." Spoke Mrs. Willson.

" Horrible enough for us to be red of him , let us pray." Said Violet.

Daphne thought for a moment and then began to panic a bit. " Well , he.... He will only deny it." Daphne spoke. " And who will believe a group of women over a man's word?" She pointed out.

" Perhaps no one. But they will if lady whistledown does so we shall do what women do." Violet suggested with a smirk. " We shall talk."

Soon enough the whole ton was gossiping about Nigel and his scandal in shock. Then finally lady whistledown wrote about it later that day and sent out a paper.

It has come to this Author's attention that the to. Is abuzz with a most a sordid tale. It is said one cannot judge a book by its cover. But in the case of the bumbling Berbrooke , it seems his displeasing paper is quite an apt metaphor for the state of affairs in his household.

I would not be surprised if lord Berbrooke were called away to the country on alleged business... Business which , perhaps , might involve sending some much overdue funds to one former Maid and young boy , who we can only hope takes after his mother.

Eden smiled as she read the paper as she thanked herself for her quick thinking of the idea. She feared that it wouldn't work but she knew it would some how in some way there for Daphne could be saved from marrying such a disappointment.

A/N: I'm so into writing at the moment and I have no clue why that is someone help meeee lmao

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