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THE SEASON'S OPENING ball at Danbury House is a most highly sought-after, invitation, indeed, for every darling debutante from park Lane to Ragent Street will be on Display.

" Adam!" Eden called after her best man that always was within walking distance when it came to her royal highness. Adam was Eden's Brimsley, he was always there for Eden when it was needed and he'd never leave her side unless her royal highness need privacy or ordered for him to leave.

" Yes, your royal Highness?" Adam asked walking to her bedroom.

" Will I be late to a-attending Lady D-danbury's Ball? I was t-told Mama already left." Eden asked as one of the maids removed the last curler from her brown luscious locks completng her look.

" No, Ma'am we will make sure you arrive as early as possible. You are scheduled to arrive after everyone else has just like always." Adam reassured the girl. If its one thing Eden hated the most in the whole world. It was being late. She despised being late and it through her whole day off and made her not want to do anything after one small fracture In her schedule.

Finally being ready, Eden Decided it was time to go.

" Your highness, I would like to inform you that I've been notified that the Duke of Hasting will be making an appearance tonight at the Danbury Ball." Adam informed making Eden's eyes go wide in nothing but excitement.

" Ahh! No way! I haven't s-seen H-Hasting in years!" Eden shouted in pure excitement. She hadn't seen Simon in so long she'd almost forgotten whom he was.

Making her way into the carriage, Eden had to get help with her dress. She was all for the puffiness of the dresses she wore, that's why she wore them. She didn't like the ones with absolutely no frill, there had to be at least some Volume on her dress. And the dress she was wearing had more then enough Volume.

She got situated in her Carriage and watched each as each tree passed by as they made their way to Grovenor Square to attend Lady Danbury's Ball.
This would be the Princesses first time attending a social gathering involving men and women from outside England. The women of corse were always from England, the men however always traveled a far just to come to find suitable wives for the future carrier of their Heir.

Titled, chaste, and innocent, this is what they have been raised and trained for since birth.

Tonight, we shall discover which young ladies might succeed at securing a match, there by avoiding the dreadful dismal condition known as " the spinster."

𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓔𝓭𝓮𝓷 𝓐 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂Where stories live. Discover now